News Contents

The Economy: the good news and the bad news

News From the Home Front





War and Ignorance

Political Humor & Fact
From email & the Web. Forced to add "China" section.

Other Stuff Which may not be Noticed Otherwise

Science Bytes

Writing contests + links

HTML Primer

Links to tips & tricks for computer users, plus tech news.

Links for HTML writers

Short Stories

Dear Valerin
A Fantasy short, with elves, dwarves and stuff.

The Corps
The environmental police of the future will get you, if you're not careful.

A week of Fridays
Life in Small Town, USA, where you
have to be half crazy, in order to remain half sane.

The Wildman
Second in the compilation about life in Small Town, rural America.

Contact Info & About Us

Questions, Submissions, Suggestions

email direct

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Our Goals

© 2001 Michelle Houghtaling. All materials posted herein are protected by copyright law and the exemption for fair use of copyrighted works.