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"If moderate Muslims do not join our fight against America and Britain, then it is our duty to kill them too"
- Zahir, a British-born Muslim, addressing a packed meeting in Sparkbrook, Birmingham.


10/28- Jordan: An American diplomat was assassinated by a masked gunman while in front of his home in Amman this morning. Lawrence Foley senior diplomat for the U.S. Agency for International Development was just preparing to leave for work. The terrorist gunman remains unidentified and at large.

10/28- Maybe this would be better catagirized under "Socialism." Unfortunately, it appears that I was right in my accusation (below) that the hostages killed when Russian troops stormed the Chechan theater were indeed killed by the mysterious gas used to knock out everyone in the building. Russian doctos treating the wounded confirmed that the gas was the cause of most of the deaths, but say they still have no idea WHAT type of toxin it is they're trying to counteract, and Russian authorities aren't telling.

10/27- Well, Vlad, it looks like you have the blood of 118 people on your hands. Good going. The Chechan theater massacre is sickening, and it SOUNDS like some hostages were killed, while unconcious, during the storming of the theater by Russian special forces. Georgy Vasilyev, the director of the play "Nord-Ost," in progress when the crisis began, said he had tried to talk to some of the over 50 Muslim terrorists holding the building, but had luck with only one, a woman. SHE gave him a prayer, written in Arabic, and suggested he read it to "purify himself" before the terrorists executed him and the over 800 other hostages. I ask again, Vlad: HOW much protection money is Saddam paying you?

10/25- LOL! I'm not sure where to put this, but since there have been so many Americans murdered by Muslims the past over-a-year, "Terrorism" seems appropriate. (**pardon me while I wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes**) The UN's help is being saught to "STOP MUSLIM BASHING"!! ROLFOL! Tessireebob, Muslims are really mad - I believe "expressing outrage" is the appropriate PC key phrase - that since the world got tired of Islamakazi terrorism, Muslims feel that non-Muslims worldwide are "defaming Islam". PAKISTAN went so far as to call for a UNRESOLUTION (NOTE: "UN Resolution" is a synonym for "Muslim Terrorism", or at least the universal excuse for it) for the "Elimination of Racism and, Racial Discrimination." Pakistan's ambassador, Munir Akram, says that "The defamation of Islam, and discrimination against Muslims, represents the most notable demonstration of contemporary racism and intolerance."

Of course, the discrimination against, and murder of, any and all non-Muslims BY Muslim extremists isn't mentioned by the erstwhile ambassador. HELLLLO MR Akram!!! Who's out to kill all of us? Who hijacked the planes and shot all those people in MD/VA? Who's been doing what to whom in Israel, the Phillipines, India, the Balkans and ALL OVER AFRICA??? I still don't want genocide of an entire religious group, but I do wish idiots like this moron...and Louie "Nation of Islam" the Loonie would shut up and go away, allowing the rest of us to live our lives inpeace. No, they have to keep inciting hatred, else they'll be out of jobs. Muslims never "defame" non-muslim religions by derisively calling us kufre, infidels or "sons of pigs and dogs", now do they? All of these scumbags are paid in OUR blood (money)

10/25- Chechan rebels holding hundreds of hostages in a theater are threatening to execute them unless Russia pulls troops out of Chechnya. Know whet? Tough bananas, Pukin. How much protection money did Saddam pay you, anyway? You know darned well that at least some of those Chechan "rebels" are affiliated with Iraq. Sink or swim, bud. I respectfully offer to be the one with the honor of tying the rock to your ankles. Your stubborn stance against the US war on terror makes the blood of your people on your own hands. My prayers for the families of the innocent hostages, caught up in Vlad's political games.

10/22- Three Abu Sayyef terrorists were killed in a clash with the Phillipine military Mount Pamatsakin, near the town of Sumisip. Sadly one member of the Filipino military was also killed in the fighting. Abu Sayyef is the Muslim terrorist group linked to al Qaeda, which is fond of and respoonsible for, kidnapping innocent missianaries and their subsequent deaths. Also multiple kidnappings. They get a lot of their funding from ransom demands. Times of India story

10/14- Yesterday, President Bush condemned Saturday's terrorist bombing on a disco in the tourist island of Bali, which killed at least 188 people, including 2 Americans. "Terrorists have once again targeted innocents, this time in Indonesia," Bush said. "On behalf of the people of the United States, I condemn this heinous act. I offer our heartfelt condolences to the families of all the murder victims from numerous countries and our wish for the swift and complete recovery of those injured in this attack."

Just after 9/11/01, when President Bush was organizing international support for a world war on terrorism, Indonesian refused, on national television, to join or even endorse it. After the attack which caused such massive loss of life in Bali, Fox News reports that both Indonesian sucurity and the governments of several other SE Asian countries have been unsuccessfully urging Megawati's regime to DO something about their terrorism problem. Predictably, neither she nor her parlaiment did anything, perhaps on the hopes that terrorists would leave them alone if the government turned a deaf ear and blind eye to their presence. More proof that appeasement never works.

10/12- A would-be homocide bomber was detained by security guards outside the US Embassy in Tel Aviv Friday. His bomb vest was stripped from his innocent little person, and the poor would-be murderer was whisked off in a paddy wagon. The capture comes a day after another homocide bomber attempted to take out a bus, was accosted by the driver until most of the passengers fled, then blew himself up 30 yards away, murdering a 71 year-old woman.

10/10- Chechnya- a terrorist bombing at a Grozney Park police meeting killed 25 people and injured 17 others. While the Russian government acknowledges that this WAS a terrorist attack, they're unsure whether Muslim Chechan terrorists are to blame, or - incredibly - whether 25 people were murdered in a vengeful, preemptive strike by some other policemen who were about to be fired.

8/07- After attacking a school for missionary's kids, missing all the kids but killing several of their countrymen in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir, three of the assailants died from a mysterious grenade explosion as they fled from authorities at a Pakistani checkpoint.

8/07- The Palestinian parlaiment said it would accept Israel's proposal for troop withdrawl from some areas in Gaza, in exchange for Palestinian guarantees there would be no attacks launched from those areas. If the terrorists follow their usual pattern, there will be more attacks against Israeli citizens soon. On the other hand, maybe there are too few terrorists left.

8/01- Thousands of peaceful Palestinians danced in the streets far into the night last night, celebrating the cafeteria bombing which murdered seven people, including either five or three Americans, depending on which story you read. President Bush is said to be furious about the attack, but urged Israel to take care in it's response.

7/19- While the Iranian/Palestinian Hamas threatens "bloody revenge" - YAWN - against the "zionists if Israel goes ahead and "deports" terrorist families to the Gaza strip, President Bush and Colin Powell are going ahead with the president's plan for a free, SELF GOVERNING, Palestinian state. The Bush administration has named the first two Palestinians it would like to see head a new, Democratic Palestinian government.

7/16- I'm going to try to be politically correct about this description. Let's see, Palestinian activists, exuberent of the offer of worldwide aid in finally achieving their own state, celebrated in the streets today by detonating a bomb next to a bus in Israel. As the terrified passenders fled, they were mowed down by machine gun fire. 7 were killed and at least 20 wounded. OK, so I'm not good at PC. I'm sure Reuter's will spin this to blame the attack on the Joooooos as usual. Ha'aretz story.

7/05- An Egyptian with two driver's licenses, two birthdates - one of which was July 4 - but only one name, for now, opened fire at the crowded el Al Airlines ticket counter at LAZ, killing two people and wounding several others before an el Al security guard took him out. The FBI says there's no proof that 41 year-old Hesham Mohamed Hadayet was a terrorist, because there's nothing yet to connect him to an organization. Which is a limited definition of "terrorist" to say the least. Hadayet was apparently peeved that his neighbor hung the American flag on 9-11, and it has flown ever since. Hadayet's alleged wife and children went on a vist to Egypt at the time of the attack. Israel is considering it a terrorist attack until it is roven otherwise. El Al has been a favorite target of terrorists worldwide for several decades.

6/25- President Bush's long awaited (and much maligned beforehand) speech on the Mideast was finally delivered yesterday. H urged oppressed Arab populations to rise up against their tyrants. He encouraged them to embrace a system of freedom and self governance. Democracy. He again said that the corrupt government of Yasser Araft must be removed in order to allow the citizens of the Palestinian territories to a real government for the thing they have always told the world they wanted: an independent Palestinian state.

The resident offered the assistance of the free world to aid in the building of a free Palestinian state, as well as an independent one. The ball is now in the court of the Palestinian people. This is a sincere offer of all the help it is in our power to give them, but to gain that help they have to suit actions to propaganda. They must stop the homocide bombings and begin construction of their new, free and independent state. They must be frightened. Arab culture is based in enslavement to their religion. They depend on clerics to tell them what to think, say and do. Free thought and responsibility for their own actions is as alien a concept to them as the idea of allowing oneself to be willingly enslaved is to the West. I wish them success in their quest to define and then build a free state for themselves.

6/24- After two homocide bombs murdered 26 Israelis in the West Bank, Israel retaliates by rolling tanks back into such terrorist hotbeds as the cities of Ramallah and Jenin. Nothing to report, because nothing has happened. Yasser - yawn - 'condemned' the latest homocide bombings. No terrorists sending their wives out to lead soldiers into booby ambushes this time...just...nothing. The IDF did find and blow up a bomb factory under a bank building in Jenin.

6/21- Do you worry about the safety of our borders? It seems a lot of Americans are. According to U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO), the White House's email system is being flooded with over 11 THOUSAND email petitions, from Americans, asking Congress and the president to guard our borders with US troops. Personally, I think border patrol should fall under the pervue of the National Guard, but we need more people, people! We can't have our forces being spread too thin...don't forget Bill Clinton GUTTED the military, and though President Bush is trying DESPERATELY to rebuild it...well, people have got to join.

6/14- Karachi Pakistan Terrist murderers blew a car bomb outside the US consulate, missing all but one American, who was wounded, and managing to blow up a dozen of their countrymen and wound 43. Another 'previously unknown' group with a brand new, made-up name, has taken responsibility. The US FBI is investigating. According to US investigators, one bomber goes by the name of 'Riyad'...which, coincidentally, is a town in Saudi Arabia where a British businessman was killed by a car bomb recently, prompting the US to issue a warning to all American businessmen working in Saudi to check their vehicles before using them.

5/14- Simple copycat, or something more? Another mailbox bomb was found by an alert mail carrier and safely detonated by police yesterda, this time in the city of Philadelphia. Besides it's placement in a heavily populated neighborhood, there were two other differences from the bomblings of Luke Helder, terrorist wannabe: 1: THIS was a nail bomb. It was well made, had an electronic detonator, and was powerful enough to blow shrapnel for 100 feet when detonated. In other words: this bomb was made by someone who knows what they're doing. 2:) Like the bombs in the Midwest, this bomb was accompanied by a not; but THIS note said "Free 'Palestine' now. Al Qaeda, al Qaeda." The al Qaeda part can be immediately discounted. The REAL al Qaeda prefers to operate from the shadows. No, the important thing here is the combination of the sophisticated nail bomb, and the reference to "Palestine."

Whether this incident was perpetrated by a real Arab terrorist, inspired by Luke Helder, a misguided Palestinian sympathizer, or someone with another agenda entirely, this is the real thing folks. The perps aren't trying to blow mail carriers' fingers off. They mean to kill people, and the bomb in Philly was more than capable of doing that. Everyone be on guard.

5/09- Geez, now career terrorists hate KFC About 2.2 LBS of TNT was exploded in front of a Kentucky Fried Chicken in Northern Lebanon. One KFC worker was injured. The nutballs have been calling for boycotts of US products, allegedly because of US support for the usual scapegoat: Israel. YAWN. Muslims have no imaginations. Their method of "boycotting" products by blowing them up seems pretty original, until you remember that blowing up and shooting down is all these Neanderthals know how to do. They've been demonstraing in front of McDonalds' and Atarbucks' in Lebanon too. Morons.

as well as law enforcement officers.

The AP quotes Interfax as reporting the explosion was caused by a hidden mine that blew underneath a bus carrying military band members for the celebration.

5/08- The Mailbox Bomber has been arrested. 21 year old Luke Helder, an arts student at the University of Wisconsin at Stout and grunge rock superstar hopeful, was arrested after a high speed chase by the Nevada Highway Patrol outside of Reno Nevada yesterday. According to police, Helder dropped at least one gun out of his window during the chase, and another was found in his car. A cell phone conversation with an FBI negotiator Helder's parents, he finally gave himself up. Helder's charged with using an explosive to maliciously destroy property, affecting interstate commerce and using a destructive device to commit a crime of violence. What, no distruction of federal property (the mailboxes) charge?

In a story which may or may not be related, 25 year-old Wisconsin anarchist Joseph Konopka, who went by the handle "Dr. Chaos" was indicted today for 53 crimes stemming from his "Teens for Satan" web site, which recruited teens into his little terror group. From June 1998 to January 2001, caused power blackouts, disrupted radio and TV broadcasts, disabled an air traffic control system, and hacked a DOD computer system. Nice bunch. I wonder why I never read this stuff during the Clinton administration, when this stuff was happening?

5/08- Yet another homocide bomber went south of Tel Aviv, murdering 15 and wounding at least 60 more. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon vowed to "uproot terrorism", adding that "the battle continues". The media says President Bush is questionining the validity IDF reprisals against terrorists. As usual, I doubt that, and I know I'm right.

5/08- In Karachi, Pakistan, a homocide bomber went off, killing nine and injuring 34, according to an Arab journalinst for UPI. Though not a feminist, I find his typical Arab male breakdown of the dead by gender to be offensive, and will not repeat it. Anyway, the nut blew up a bus. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack, but I'm sure it's all the fault of Israel and the US.

5/05- The Mailbox Bomber is still sticking pipe bombs into mailboxes, this time in Nebraska. The injury count from the bombs in Illinois and Iowa has now been officially tallied at 6: 4 postal carriers - one of whom was still hospitalized Saturday, and two residents. Six pipe bombs were found in Nebraska Saturday, with two differences: one was in a residential box, and, most importantly, none of these bombs blew up.

5/03- There's a nut planting pipe bombs in rural Iowa and Illinois milboxes. The bombs are connected to a 9v. battery. A rural postal carrier was injured when she stopped to deliver mail and opened one of the booby trapped boxes. She was treated and released at a local hospital. So far, eleven mailbox bombs have been found.

5/03- Yasser is on the loose after being freed from house arrest in exchange for rolling over on six convicted terrorists who were hiding out with him. In a related story, 6 more hostages walked out of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

4/28- Israel accepted President Bush's proposal for restoring some Mideast today. PM Ariel Sharon's cabinet passed a proposal to allow the presence of US and British guards to be sent to Yasser's Ramallah compound in order to make sure that the four convicted assassins of the Israeli tourism minister, currently hiding out with Yasser, will not escape. The proposal passed by a 17-8 margine. Typically, there has been no response from the Palestinians. I expect more murders in the night from them.

4/26- Israel accuses the Palestinians of digging up graves near a Jenin hospital and dumping the bodies into a mass grave in the area of Jenin where all the fighting occurred a few weeks ago.

4/26- We all know the recent events within Israel and the Palestnian coltrolled territories. However, here's a story that breaks my heart to have confirmed. Saudi Arabia, vocal supporter of some type of Mideast peace - though WHAT kind, only they know - paid over $5,000 apiece to the families of homocide bombers, SADDAM style.

4/23- In the US war on terror: your Postman just might be a terorist spy. Staton Island (NYC) mailman, Ahmed Sattar, long time follower of 1993 WTC bombing mastermind Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman was arrested recently for just that. In fact, Sattar posed as a paralegal for Rahman's 1995 trial, sopping thousands in cash from the Clinton government.

Since 1993, Satter has been under suspicion of using his postal position to gather the private home adresses of FBI and CIA agents for his handlers. Sattar's position gave him access to pick up express mail from restricted access areas of Kennedy Airport. After Sept 11, Sattar was reassigned to more remote office in Staton Island, presumably with less access to restricted areas. Satter was arrested two weeks ago, along with Rahman's lawyer, Lynne Stewart. Steward is accused of carrying messages from Rahman to his "followers".<

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