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"We must be stupid. Ronald Reagan almost destroyed Communism, and the Clinton administration has reinvented it, is now subsidizing it, and is now stabilizing it."--
Rep. James Traficant, D-Ohio, statement to the House, last December. 2000

The strongest point we Americans can make to Communist China is to remind them of where the money comes from. BUY AMERICAN!!!

Not all wars are fought with military might. We have other weapons at our disposal. Let's use 'em.

A-Z list of Products made in the USA.

Maybe by going back to the good ol' Buy American routine, we'll have the extra added bonus of keeping a few, faltering US companies in business, and in the US.


7/26 Russia - Gazprom, a government owned vestage of the Socialist Soviet Union, has announced that it expects profits to fall. You'd think that by now the government of the former Soviet Union would have learned to stay out of free market stuff.

China: 7/19- The US government has announced sanctions on eight Chinese companies for selling arms and chemical weapons to the Utopian wonderland of Iran. I don't have a link, but about November 2001, the Pentagon mentioned a suspicion that Iran was resupplying Taliban/al Qaeda forces, as well as the forces of the dictator mini-me warlords in Afghanistan. Iran denied it at the time. Later, US forces found caches of Chinese-made weapons in Afghanistan. This time, CHINA denied it. China continues denying, the Bush administration is sanctioning anyway. NOW, if he would scantion the PARENT COMPANIES of the Chinese companies....

The government of China, showing an amazing lack of intelligence or foresight, has been training and equipping Taliban/al Qaeda forces in Afghanistan. Pakistan, which was reponsible for the Taliban's existance in the first place, helped. Of course. Some intelligence sources show that China - in spite of repeated denials to the contrary - was still shipping weapons to the Taliban even after 9-11. Are Socialists truely so blind they are unable to see that the enemy of their enemy - the US - is NOT necessarily their 'friend'??

12/31- After a post 9-11 pause in it's policy of human rights abuse, China resumes sentencing religious leaders to death. Everyone knows about China's persecution of the Falun Gong, that evil sect out to destroy the Chinese government by meditating a lot.

Chinese President Jiang, apparently feeling left out of the war on terror due to China's cultural compulsion toward secrecy. He decided to go to Iran, who's mad mulah's share China's hatred of the freedom for which America stands, and complained that China doesn't want US troops in Asia.

He said that China wants to "protect" 3rd world dictatorships from American imperialism. Right. The way China protects it's own people and places like Taiwan. LOL. Iran is the country through which other Islamic dictatorships smuggle weapons to terrorists, like the ones in Afghanistan. Oh, and he added all the necessary UBL-type anti-Israel platitudes which the extremists just eat up.

The Chinese government took advantage of it's war on religion by also outlawing Christian fundimentalist sects in China. Next to die for practicing a non-state-sponsored religion is Gong Shengliang, founder of the South China Church. He was charged with "using a cult to undermine the enforcement of the law". In China, anything seen as a threat to socialist totaliatarianism is a "cult", anf this particular "cult has about 50,000 members in China.

Another church leader, Gong's neice Li Ying, recieved a death sentence with a delay of two years. Altogether, seventeen people were convicted of various charges having something or other to do with destroying President Jiang's government. Can you say PARANOIA?? I knew you could.

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