Political humor and facts, recieved via email or found on the web, or written by me.

In the case of the emails. No serious emails are published here without being authenticated. In the cases where I was unable to verify authenticity, a note to that effect has been added, in the hope that someone else might be able to succeed where I failed.

Sept 11, 2001: a Day of Infamy

I'm attempting to compile some of the lighter, less heartbreaking stuff. This will take a while. It might force me to go to another server. In the meantime,

The Binch, based on Dr. Zeuss' "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas", this poem is designed to help younger kids understand the events of September 11, 2001.

The Clintons

Where could we put a memorial to Bill Clinton? From the newsletter of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy


Some more serious stuff about Hillary

Meet the Clinton$

Dear Mom and Dad

Thank You, Clinton-Gore The original classic.

Polticians & Power Brokers

Je$$se Jack$on


The Cruise. This one get's 'em all, in one fell swoop.

Shorter Miscellanious Jokes

The Corporate Toaster ( Or: How to Compete with Cheap Foreign Imports

The Death of Common Sense

Why did the Chicken Cross the Road?

Bad American

If Noah had to Build the Ark Today

Why not Ban All Weapons?

Political Parrots

Childrean's Bill of Rights

Some Thought Provoking Postulates

US vs China

Made in "Elsewhere" In case you need any MORE reason to buy American

How to Apologize, American Style

Emails about the ongoing China problem

US Letter to China

What do they mean, there's only one way to say "sorry" in our language??

Senior Chief Petty Officer Nocholas Mellos, after his return to the US


Partial Transcript of Darrel Scott's Speech on Columbine

The Truth About the Economy

The original New York Observer article, calling for Hillary's resignation: Clinton Corruption Plays Us for Fools & We will not Forget