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"I think he's an honest man....I think at core he's an honest person....I think you can be an honest person and lie about any number of things."
--Dan Rather, referring to Bill Clinton, during an appearance on The Bill O'Reilly Show

Dudley McDonald of Falls Church reports that historians have dubbed the Clinton administration: "Sex between the Bushes."


10/23- Party mudslinging continues over fraudluent, Democrat-registered, absentee ballots in South Dakota. It's the PARTIES doing the mudslinging, not the candidates. SD media says, why can't we just PUT THIS BEHIND US? Moral relativism alert.

10/23- Here's a Reuter's summary of vote and election fraud allegations nationwide.

10/11- In Tommy Daschle's home state of South Dakota, an investigation of MASSIVE voter fraud (SURPISE) is underway in six counties. The FBI has so far found (SURPRISE) DEAD PEOPLE registered to vote, people TOO YOUNG to be registered voters, and (SURPRISE!) people who APPARENTLY DON'T EVEN EXIST!! LOL.

10/03- What to say about Robert Toricelli? The Democrat Senator was guilty of at LEAST the same crimes as Rep James Traficant but got off with a wrist slapping so Democrats could continue their obstruction in the Senate, while House Rep Traficant was given a summary and humiliating boot, by JOINT vote of BOTH houses, as a scapegoat to lull the American public into believing the ethics committe had some ethics...LOL. The ruse didn't wrk then, and this newest ruse doesn't work now

The Torch was endorsed, defended vigorously by his fellow Democrats and allowed to run for reelection in this years New Jersey Senate race. He won the Senatorial primary, as per US election standards. NJ election law states that a candidate may not be replaced if they drop out of the race less than 51 days before the election, but last monday - only 35 days before the election - that's exactly what Toricelli did. He even had one of those teary farewell speeches prepared. However, unlike Traficant's heartfelt and heartbreaking comments during the kangaroo vote which might have signalled the end of his career, The Torch's speech (which I also listened to, unfortunately) can be summed up like this: "To know me is to love me the way that I love me." It was awful, and very hard to listen to.

He informed his audience that he had given them the best years of his life, went through an EXTREMELY twisted version of his "accomplishments" to prove his claim...then went off into some weird tangent about having written his last will and testament when he was 6 years old. The entire, very long-seeming speech was eerie in that it was obviously carefully staged to gain the maximum amount of public sympathy for an extortionist, thug and theif, while being completely bareft of any heartfelt emotion whatsover. It was the EMPTIEST left-wing love fest I have ever witnessed. It was insulting to any human being capable of the most basic human decency (and an IQ in the lowest double digits).

Now, the DNC and even Sen Tom Daschle are insisting on the continuation of the campaign to gain support to have the New Jersey Supreme Court change election law in the middle (or in this case, home stretch) of an ongoing election (Florida 2000 redux, anyone?). This behavior isn't surprising to anyone who witnessed the 2000 election fiasco in Florida. To further heighten your sense of deja vu, the process of disenfranchisine military voters as well as all other absentee voters a la Florida has already begun: even though absentee ballots containing the names of front runner Forrester and loser (in more ways than one) Torch, and have already been mailed out a really bogus restraining order against printing or sending absentee ballots was issued on yesterday.

The idea is to foist a dark horse candidate on NJ voters at the very last minute, in a blatantly illegal bid to keep Democrat controll of the Senate. I begin to believe that Democrat strategy for winning an election is 50% media misinterpretation of existing election law and 50% conjecture enhanced by another 50% left-wing propaganda. Who know...they may even pull it off, thus putting an end to free and fair elections in the United States, possibly forever.

7/30- James Traficant the House Democrat given a boot during a special session of the entire House and Senate last Wednesday night, has been sentenced to EIGHT YEARS in a federal pen and a $150,000 fine. OUCH. Now, if only Congress would ease restrictions on US roadless policy, and fund the military....I won't hold my breath.

In fact, the Democrat-controlled (by a margin of one) Senate Ethics Committee is right now in the process whitewashing the investigation of New Jersey Democrat Senator Robert Torricelli for the exact same crime that Traficant was convicted of.

7/30- California Governor Grey Davis may have broken a few of CA's stringent environmental rules in exchange for a huge campaign donation. In 2000, the previously recalcitrant water board allowed the former Tosco refinery to increase the amount of dioxin it could dump into the bay aftert Tosco donated $70,000 to Davis. Davis' spokespeople insist that the donation had nothing to do with the water board's change of heart. 'COURSE we believe it. I mean...whoever heard of a Democrat who broke the rules in exchange for a fat donation??

7/25- During a horrifyingly sad 'hearing', which I sat through with my heart in my throat, Congress voted to oust Rep. James Traficant (D, Ohio) after a felony conviction for fraud and bribe taking which Traficant still insists is bogus. As with his trial, Traficant was only allowed to call one witnes for his own defense. Not one Congresscritter stood up for him during last night's hearing, though one or two yeilded their own floor time to Traficant. One idiot, a RINO named Kenny Hulshof (Mo) mentioned there was no evidence, and implied that a total lack of evidence somehow proved Traficant's alleged 'guilt'.

During his empassioned speech, Traficant read signed affidavits from people who were not allowed to testify and once again insisted upon his innocence of all charges against him, claiming his vendetta against the Butcher of Waco and other Clinton housepets caused the Clinton administration to use the FBI to create a bogus case against him. Indeed, many of the people who made long, morally superiour speeches last night deserve jail time much more than Traficant.

You know what? I believe he's innocent of most, if not ALL of the charges he was of. There wasn't a shred of evidence against him. The prosecution's case was purely circumstantial, and as I mentioned before, he was not given an adequate chance to defend himself...and I'm not sure if I quite understood last night, but I THINK i gathered he was denied an appeal. THAT'S weird. Traficant, whose district was legislated out of existance, plans to run in one of the newly created districts as an Independent. Possibly Traficant's biggest sin, besides blowing the cover on the story of the Butch-er of Waco's affair with a Florida call girl and aggising Reno of being a traitor, is that he has always voted with Republicans more than with Democrats.

Speaking of Democrats, Gary Condit, of Chandra Levy fame, cast the only "NAY" in the recorded floor vote. Jim'll be sorely missed by those of us who watch Capitol Hill, and I hope he does indeed run again.

7/19- I hear that they're finally starting on the roof of the Clinton Library, which is situated on the site of an African American historical landmark torn down by the first black prez in favor of a memorial "his lagacy." NOW I hear he's trying to figure out just what that "legacy" IS that he wants to memorialize.

The rapist and philanderer who raised taxes to their highest level in American history; seller of military secrets to China; Master of the White House Bed, Breakfast and "coffees"; waster of the lives of American servicemen on "humanitarian" missions to Somalia, Haiti and Kosovo (there are more...can't remember them all off the top of my head); owner/handler ot the Butcher of Waco and Ruby Ridge; the guy who was too busy getting BJ's in the Oval office to notice such things as the OKC, WTC, Khobar Towers, Sudan, Somalia, ect. terrorist attacks or a guy named Usama bin Laden when Sudan offered him to Clinton gift-wrapped; co-founder of the one-world; Third Way movement...well, here's an article with a GREAT RUNDOWN on him

Anyhow, I was thinking...perhaps we can write to the former Klepto-in-Chief (remember AF1?) and give him ideas. Nothing complicated: just a brief, one or two word note (Because that's all that'll FIT on a condom) with suggestions like "Monica", "Wen ho Lee", "Vince Foster", "Waco" "Elian", "TAXES", "Blackhawk Down", "Chinagate", "Whitewatergate" "Intifada, 2000"...whatever you feel should be included in his lagacy. Make sure to use the non-lubricated condoms, and to write with a permanent marker. I'm not going to put the address here, because if too many condoms start coming in...heck, even I can get into trouble! It's just a suggestion, anyway.

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