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On the Home Front...

Sniper moved over to Terrorism on the Home Front.

10/24- LOL, Dog Shoots Man in South Dakota (actual headline) a Minassota man hunting pheasants just across the border in South Dakota, is recovering from a shot to the ankle, after his dog accidentally (are we SURE about that?? maybe the dog has unresolved ISSUES, or Gulf War syndrome!!) discharged his shotgun.

10/12- Pittsburgh PA- NRA RESPONSIBLE FOR GETTING HIGHLAND PARK RAPIST OFF STREETS Sorry, I couldn't resist since POLITICIANS are blaming the NRA for the Maryland/VA Sniper attacks, rather than blaming the sniper.

According to police, a suspect tied to 5 Highland Park rapes is in UPMC Presbyterian Hospital, after the latest woman he tried to assault fired back and seriously wounded him. He was araigned in his hospital bed Friday. Though no charges have been filed on him (YET) police say they've stopped their extra patrols of the Highland Park area, which means that police believe they have their man.

10/11- Milwaukee Minn Fog has been blamed for a firey, 25-car pileup this morning on I-43 between Cedar Grove and Belgium, about 50 miles outside of Milwaukee. There are at least 36 casualties reported.

8/07- Alabama Cute. A second grade teacher in Thema is under arrest for murdering a man during a drug deal, in a Sam's Club parking lot, on July second. 29 year-old Oronde Kenyatt Mitchell must be a member of the teacher's union. He's on "paid administrative leave until this case is resolved".

8/03- California This is an amazing story. Two teenaged girls in Lancaster were kidnapped by a third strike rapist. When the psycho stopped for a nap, the girls too advantage of the opportunity to stab him in the neck, bash him in the face with a whiskey bottle and shove him out the door of the Bronco he'f stolen for the job. He was unhurt enough to pull a gun and force the girls to let him back into the vehicle...but the authorities caught up to him a short time later, and CA taxpayers will be sparted the cost of paying for a life imprisonment of Ron Ratliff. Ratliff pulled his gun on one deputy, and the other shot him. The two girls are fine.

8/01- New York A standoff between Poughkeepsie authorities and a five-foot long Nile monitor lizard ended after animal control was forced to shoot it. The animal was in a rotten mood and was dangerous, and authorities decided it was best not to wait while animal control guessed the animals' weight, age, health etc. in order to figure out a correct disage of tranquilizer. Monitor lizards are mean and ornery. Caymen living in Central park, the current problen North Carolina is having with Sankeheads, and now this only prove that some pet owners are just too stupid for words.

7/29- California When one child is successfully taken, the resulting media coverage seems to encourage ever other psycho in the country to give it a try. Kudos to a pair of vigilant Lomita parents, AND their neighbors, who chased down and captured 51 year old Randall Turner when he scaled the high, locked security fence around their back yard on Friday and tried to abduct 5 year old Vincent Arnado. When the Arnados heard a door slam, they investigated and saw a man, wearing nothing but a pony tail and a pair of shorts, gripping their sone by the arm. Mr. Arnado went after the man, who let go ov Vincent. Mrs Arnado grabbed her son and screamed to the neighbors for help. Two responded. They and Mr. Arnado chased down and captured Turner. I love a happy ending.

7/28- Pennsylvania In the wee hours of Sunday morning, resruers made contact with minors trapped in a coal mine accident. Amazingly, and against all odds, all of the minors were saved. Rescuers had tapped another hole into the shaft where they hoped to find the minors, and dropped a phone and a camera inside. Unreported by the mass media, Governor Mark Schweiker took a personal interest in the rescue effort. He cajoled, he encouraged, and his conviction that all nine minors would be brought out alive helped the rest of us in this rather tight-knit state to have faith in the seemingly impossible. Gov. Schweiker even jumped down and helped to carry the last minor out on a stretcher. We have our share of bad and crooked people in this state, but we make some pretty darn strong and good ones too. Thank heaven we have one of the good ones for our governor.

UPI summary of news stories about the rescue

7/25- Pennsylvania 9 coal minors in Somerset PA, who were feared lost after a shaft collapsed and flooded Wednesday, may not be lost after all. Rescuers were frantically boring air holes down into the cavern where the minors were believed to be trapped. Yesterday, rescuers heard a tapping noise coming from the drill they were using to bore air holes, which they hope came from minors signaling their location the only way possible.

7/21- California Police say that fibers found underneath the fingernails of five year-old murder victim Samantha Runion match fibers taken from clothing belonging to her probable killer, Jim Amormino. Police would not confirm whether DNA evidence matched, but they didn't deny it, either.

7/20- Everyone Here's a new invention that anyone who has a child they love chould know about: it's a GPS bracelet for kids, which includes a button so your child can dial 911! They're expensive, but the price may go down later.

7/19- Cheyenne, Wyoming (Smart case) A signed affidavit by Deanne Newhouse, a witness in the grand jury investigation of Richard Ricci, claims that Newhouse's sister had "photos and video tape" showing Ricci in Wyoming several days after 14 year-old Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped. There is so much conflicting testimony, no one knows what to believe, but the FBI is following up the lead.

6/25- Utah Number one suspect in Smart case is handyman Richard Ricci. Ricci had worked for the Smart family.

6/05- Utah 14 year old Elizabeth Smart was abducted from her home in the middle of the night. Read about the beginning of this still unsolved case.

5/02- South Carolina Mike Kaminsky, of North Myrtle Beach, has been flying a United States flag outside his home since September 12th - the day after his friend, a firefighter, was killed while trying to save victims of the WTC attack. His local "homeowners association" decided to make flying a flag against the rules. They are now threatening to fine Mr. Kaminsky with a $25 dollar fine for every day the American flag continues to wave in front of his home, and say they will go so far as to put a LEIN on his PROPERTY if he doesn't pay!

Bill Wrenn, president of the association, says "I'm patriotic myself, but you've got rules and regulations. It would look like a third-world country or something if everyone were allowed to fly different flags. We're trying to keep property values up."

Why does the rule have to include ALL flags? Why does the regulation have to make it against the rules to fly the flag of this country in memory of the victims of the worst attack this nation has ever suffered, as well as a symbol of support for the troops who are dying to protect us from another such cowardly deed? Florida is the United States PC equivilant of the EU/UN. Sheesh. Mr. Kaminsky is feeling a little overwhelmed by the lack of support he has recieved from his neighbors. Drop him a line and give him a word of encouragement at 4/24- Colorado In another attempt at closing the locals out of existance and turn the Snake River into a tourist trap, beaurocrats are "proposing" that this "pristine" and "archeologically important" area be "preserved. In addition, the planners say they want to preserve the "view". This is the same Snake rivier region made famous by motorcycle daredevil, Evil Knievel. Just another example of the elite stamping out the rest of us.

4/24- California is touting a wonderful new program to get GED's for illegal immigrants, complete with free training, transportation AND chile care. Of course, we know who pays for feel good programs with lotsa "freebies", now don't we?

4/23- Spokane, Wash Rep. Scott McInnis, (R, CO) is imploring the scientists of the Wildlife Foundation to investigate and sanction several biologists who's methods in the now infamous national lynx study were found to be fraudulant.

3/22- Missing Children.com profiles sex offenders. This is info everyone who has a child they love enough to want to keep safe. Affording to Missing Children.com, child sex offenders are divided into the two categories of Preferential and Situational Child Molesters. Read how to spot danger to your child.

3/14- California David Westerfield is ordered to stand trial for the kidnapping and murder of 7 year-old Danielle van Dam


03/04- Government won't prosecute biologists who claimed bobcat pelt was rare lynx fur

01/18- Grizzly hairs from rug used in Washington state study {The falsified lynx samples }


01/01- CANADA LYNX REPORTS BY US FOREST SERVICE (background of study)

12/31- The mysterious missing lynx

12/19- [LYNX HOAX] Wilderness Institute Calls Federal Action Against Scientific Fraud By ESA Officials

12/17- Federal biologists exposed in lynx hair fruad -breaking

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