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"Suppose you were an idiot...and suppose you were a member of Congress...
Ah, but I repeat myself"
~~Mark Twain

James Carvill wears a trash can on his head during CNN election night coverage.

Two of my FAVORITE men! Victorious FL Gov. Jeb Bush and elated President Bush celebrate GOP victories.

11/06- Daschle has LOST control of the senate Obstructionism is gone. Maybe now we cen get some forward motion going in this country. Unfortunately, we lost some govornerships, including PA. Overall though, November 5th was a victory for the GOP. And the nation.

A few key race results (Republican wins): Florida- Jeb Bush, gov., KATHERINE HARRIS (heh heh) US House rep.; Maryland- Erlich stomps Kennedy Townsend for gov; Main- Collins over Pingree, Senate; Virginia- Warner over Spannaus (IND) & Hornberger (IND), Senate; North Carolina: Liddy Dole beats Bowles, Senate; S Carolina- Sanford beats Hodges, Senate; Georgia- Perdue over Barnes (gov), Chambliss over Cleland, Senate;...ABC REAL TIME TALLEY MAP; CLICK ON STATE FOR RESULTS

10/25- Senator Paul Wellstone (D, MN) was confirmed to have been killed late this morning, when his small plane crashed en route to a funeral, of all things. There were eight people on the plane, and no survivors. Some reports indicate Senator Wellstone's wife and daughter were on the plane as well.

This is a terrible thing, and Wellstone was unique in that, though he was left-wing through and through, he never pretended to be anything else. He was honest enough to be open about his ideology, and that is rare in ANY person, politician or no.

I would like to remind Minnesota voters, however, that voting for a deceased candidate out of sympathy, no matter how heartfelt that sympathy might be, is never a good thing. It is even more dangerous now, when our national security is under siege from within the Democrat controlled Senate, and from without, by those who wish to destroy us in order to achieve personal power.

10/24- South Dakota- Five-term NRA prez, actor extraoridinairre, civil rights activist and author Charleton Hesston took the stage to carry the NRA's endorsement South Dakota's GOP candidates and urging SD NRA members to GET OUT AND VOTE! After all, we need SOMETHING to counter those dead, non-existant and underaged Democrat "voters, now don't we? Hesston, who has sadly just been diagnosed with the symptoms of Alzheimer's, told anecdotes of his career, including the weeks he spend in Rome learning to drive a chariot for the movie Ben Hur.

When Hesston reported to the director that his charioteering skills were improving, his director responded, "He told me, ÔChuck, you just make sure you stay in the chariot. I guarantee you'll win the damn race,' " Heston said, to roaring applause from the crowd.

I'm so disgusted over the fiasco in New Jersey, where if a Democrat is losing, his party can just flout the law, pull him and stick in a 78 year-old Yasser-lover like Leftenberg, I just don't know what to write about it. Except for one thing: if the cut off date for replacing a candidate is just an "arbitrary number", then so is the New Jersey speed limit. Think about it.

10/11- The Nobel Prize for Piece was justly rewarded to Jimmy "The Peanut Man" Carter. Carter has worked hard for piece over the years, engineering the destruction of Iran's moderate and Parlaimentary Democratic system of government, replacing it with the bloody Mad Mullah and his psychotic minions and causing the deaths of at least a thousand people. Let's not forget the hostages, held for over 400 days while Jimmy went to pieces. He micromanaged Operation Helicopter Crash in an attempt to free the hostages, causing the needless deaths of US servicemen. (THANK YOU CANADA)

Let us also not forget that Jimmy tore our economy to pieces, with double digit inflation and double digit unemployment. He nearly tore the country itself to pieces, his policies spawning the first real rumbles of Revolution since the 1760's. In addition, he nearly tore the sovereign nation of Israel to pieces, with his still ongoing and unconditional love for terrorist leader Yasser Arafat.

Yep, Jimmy Carter is a real scion of piece, and deserves the recognition of the Nobel Prize for Piece. What's that you say? It's the Nobel Prize for P-E-A-C-E??? OH...err...forget it then. Except to report to the public that Nobel Committee Chairman Gunnar Berge said that giving the prize to Carter "should be interpreted as a criticism of the line that the current [U.S.] administration has taken." Cool. SO...if Bush weren't president, Carter would never have been awarded the prize...and therefore owes a "thank you" to President Bush. I refuse to turn the TV on for at least a moonth, because Jimmy's gonna have all the air-time he wants to spout preach his religion of piece to the world. YECH.

9/17- Wacobunny Janet Reno conceded defeat today, just one week after she thought glitches in the new, computerized voting machines could win her the Democrat gubenatorial primary. Yo, Janet! THERE ARE NO CHADS ON COMPUTER BALLOTS TO CONVENIENTLY KNOCK OUT DURING MULTIPLIE RECOUNTS!

8/21- Obviously, having Loonie Louie Farrakhan take time out from preaching radical Islam, shaking down money for people who have never known slavory and world-hopping on the mothership with his alien pals didn't help Georgia Democrat Cynthia McKinney's campaign any. She lost in the primary. Maybe her friend the Saudi prince who blamed the US for 9-11 will give her a job.

Sadly, Republican congressmen Bob Barr also lost in the Georgia primary to Lindler, who had the district to begin with. Lindler is good, that's not the shame. The shame is that Barr, who is also a very good man, is out of a job due to Democrat redistricting which took away Barr's own district to begin with.

8-21- The new electronic voting machines in Florida have been found NOT to be tamper proof. A demonstration as part of a lawsuit showed that correct timing and finger placement allows voters to vote for more than one candidate AND register to vote for another.

8/07- The Washington Times has a highly amusing highlights of our most powerful politicians this week, from a drunk-driving Democrat to Third Way (socialist, remember?) founder Joe Lieberman accusing his former presidential runningmate of being too left wing of all things.

7/26- The White House is threatening to veto Joe Lieberman's tampered version of President Bush's proposed Office of Homeland Security. Joe and other Senate Democrats want the president to be required to PROVE that employees at the new Office of Homeland Defence must be working in defence of the country. The modification's of Leiberman, the original founder of the Third Way Movement, would screw any chance of interoffice employee shuffling - and such flexibility is one of the basic premises of the president's idea.

In addition, we, the taxpayer would be funding yet more overpaid, under worked and possibly underqualified UNIONIZED federal employees. We all know what THAT means. Look at the US Postal Service. Look at federalized airport security, ANOTHER bit of Senate Democrat idiocy that I wish DESPERATELY the president had vetoed. Oh...Leiberman says he doesn't understand why the president is miffed, since Joe and the rest of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee gave GW "90 percent of what he's asked for in the most important areas." Big deal Joe. But then...the Senate is the single largest threat to this country's security on Earth.

7/19- The unbiased leftist press has temporarily grown tired if it's inability to manufacture a decent scandal against the first president this country had since X42 and is concentrating on manufacturing a scandal against VP Dick Cheny with the Haliburten thing. This is under politics because this is political and has nothing to do with the stock market's troubles or with the economy in general. Now...yesterday, I was told in all seriousness that there must REALLY BE something to THIS case, because an oprganization which has billed itself as "conservative" has brought a lawsuit against Halliburton alleging fraudulant business practices. You should know that Larry Klayman is NO conservative. He is a constitutional libertarian. Libertarians aren't far left, but they share many of the left's views, including, perversly, an anarchist bent (anarchists are socialists).

I have spoken to many Libertarians and libertarians...first out of curiosity then out of a clear need to know the enemy. They quote the Constitution, but only when it suits them, they HATE the Pledge of Allegience, profess to love capitalism, but are against free trade agreements. They hate Democrats...and they Hate Republicans RABIDLY. Anyhow...Here's a rundown.

7/17- The media is showing signs of surprise that, despite it's best efforts to the contrary, President Bush's approval ratings remain strong. According to the Washington Post/ABC News poll, Bush's approval rating currently stands at 72 percent. LOL. I love it.

7/02- A 9th Circuit judge who was part of the majority ruling the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional, took to task the judge who temporarily stayed execution of the order until all appeals are heard. 79 year old (WHY IS THIS DODDERING FOOL STILL ON THE BENCH?) Judge Stephen Reinhardt accused the court of caving in to public demand. Sure, the order would not have been executed for two months anyway, and the "stay" may have been appeasement...but what happened to Article I of the Constitution? Reinhardt is a presidential appointee. He writes law as a non-elected representative of the government, which is "By" and "For" the people. Sounds like the senile gavel banger thinks HE is God, and his word is law.

6/28- In response to the American People's OVERWHELMING defence of our Pledge of Allegiance, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decided to postpone enforcement of it's ban on the Pledge. The Washington Times reports that the postponement order follows a promise of an appeal by the US Dept of Justice, while the 9th Circuit judges will now decide whether or not to hear it.

President Bush had to take time from negotiating important agreements at the G8 summit in Canada to weigh in on the ruling, stating that "I think that the Almighty is an important - obviously an important part of my life, but a very important part of the life of our country. And that's why the ruling of the courts was out of step with the traditions and history of America."

Attornet General John Ashcroft said that "The Justice Department will defend the ability of our nation's children to pledge allegiance to the American flag, by requesting a rehearing en banc by the full Ninth Circuit." Ashcrofts full statement is not up on the DOJ website. Washingtom Times article

6/27- The incumbant governor of California, indulgantly nicknamed "Greyout" Davis, is getting his rear end STOMPED by GOP challanger Bill Simon. Look for Simon Slam Propaganda, coming from the left wing media to increase.

6/26- Victory for the Third Way movement...defeat for freedom The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled the Pledge of Allegiance is "Unconstitutional". is now "Unconstitutional" for any United States school to ask a kid to swear allegiance to the country which is giving him or her a free education and a future. Presumably, it must be Unconstitutional for new this time of ALL not have to pledge allegiance when they go for their citizenship. First, we are not allowed to display the Ten Commandments, reminding us the murder and theft rape are wrong, because the ever mysterious, ever present and unnamed "some people" might find them offensive. The we are told we cannot fly the US Flag, because those same "some people" "might find it offensive" We can't put up a Nativity, can't show a Passion Play in a public school, and now we can't say the Pledge of Allegiance....

WHO IN HELL IS THIS MYSTERIOUS GROUP OF "SOME PEOPLE" and why are THEY the ones telling us what icons of faith and/or patriotism we may not show???? ESPECIALLY whe, according to an ongoing poll 89%...EIGHTY NINE PERCENT of the American public DISAGREE with the court's decision. Meet the group "Might Be Offended".

Why the media frenzy to sack Robert Mueller, the the FBI director whos ten months in office have been completely by the aftereffects of 9-11? Sure, it would be nice to place the blame on somebody. Someone's head ought to roll, right? The problem is that Mueller hasn't done anything wrong.

Pardon me, but wasn't Mueller just APPOINTED in July, 2001? Two months later...just barely enough time for him to get settled in...the worst attack in this nation's history takes place. HECK, Mueller hasn't been on the job for a YEAR yet, and most of THAT time has been split between trying to catch terrorists and dealing qith the left wing media frenzy over his alleged "handling" of a vague warning that came in just as he was starting his new job.

I don't know Mueller. I don't know what type of person he is, but I DO know he has not had a CHANCE to prove himself ONE WAY OR THE OTHER. That fact, combined with the fact that the left wing would like nothing more than the forced resignation of Mueller in order to finally get that "scandel" they've been fishing for so long is setting off "RED ALERT!! MANIPULATION THREAT IMMINENT!! RED ALERT" sirens.

Let's take a collective step back, take a deeeeep breath, and begin calmly collating information.

There is no hard evidence to condemn Mueller for over his handling over his first national crisis.

At the same time we're collating information on Mueller, let's check out Louis Freeh, the UN-stellar 1993 Clinton appointee who VERY suddenly "retired" at the same time the warning was delivered to US intelligence...a year and a half before his term would have been up.

If the now infamous vague terror warning is specific enough to d@mn Mueller AT ALL, then the same warning ought to be more than enough to INDICT Freeh.

During Freeh's tenure in office, we had the 1993 WTC bombing, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City, Elian and the Atlanta Olympics, to name a few incidents. Was his sudden retirement lucky good timing, or something else?

So, what did FREEH know, and when did he know it??

11/12/01- Text of President Bush's speech before the UN Assembly.