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Wars and Rumors of Wars...

10/27- Iraqi Americans joined Mainstream Americans in Saturday's pro-war rally, chanting "Death, Death Saddam !! People Yes, Saddam No! He's a fascist, he must go!" The wives and children of Iraqi American council sat in the front of the audience, while their took the podium to speak out against the atrocities Saddam Hussein has perpetrated on his own people, time and time again.

Aziz Al-Taee of the Iraqi American Council joins Kristinn Taylor at the podium.

Iraqi American Muslims prove the left's contention that no Muslim Iraqis want was to be the lie that it is.

Imam Husham al Husainy of the Carbalaa Islamic Center (in detroit) speaks out against terrorism in general, and Saddam in particular.

10/14- Mark Steyn telles it like it is He describes Euroweenie President Bush is evil speeches as "rampant Texaphobia." Besides being extremely witty, as usual, Steyn gives us some background info on Nelson "President Bush is the Biggest Threat to World Peace" Mandella. Seems Mandella's country sells tubes for uranium enrichment to old Saddam. Cute. Mandella speaking with a forked tongue? Not surprising, since he and Clinton are such bosom buddies. Excellent commentary. He tells us just like it is with the anti-war crowd.

10/3- Camp Lajune Florida - 13 parachutes were found sabotaged, their suspension lines cut in a way that would have been undetectable to standard safety inspection checks. On Sept. 21, three Marines on a training flight were forced to resort to emergency chutes. They escaped certain death with only minor injuries, thank heaven. The treacherous deed is under investigation by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service and a Judge Advocate General. 9/21 is as numerologically a significant date as 9/11...but maybe it's just a coincidence that Muslim culture happens to be STEEPED in numerology and magic. In any event, I pray the perps are caught

8/18- What do I say about Iraq? Are we hearing the truth from our administration? Yes, because the administration's accusations against Iraq all along, culminating in President Bush's compelling speech to the UN exactly match facts and conclusions that I have discovered independently over the years.

Now: is the media being honest? Well, maybe, if ANY institution almost 180 degrees to the left of center can be called "honest". However, all the hooha we're getting from the media about how America does not support the president's proposal of military action on Iraq is untrue. A CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll shows that 80% of America thinks the UN hasn't been tough enough on Iraq, 93% want the UN to impose a deadline on Saddam's compliance with resolutions or he'll face "total annihalation", I believe VP Dick Cheny's words were. 61% say forget diplomats, go to war. Not so oddly, the article attempts to equate lack of support for the undisputed ruler of the sky involving itself in a GROUND WAR with a lack of support for war. 180 degress left of center, all right.

Did Saddam offer to allow UNCONDITIONAL resumption of weapons inspections? No. "Unconditional" was dreamed up by the media. Adding the word "unconditional" was either an open propaganda ploy, or wishful thinking by the appeaseniks in the media. The same Muslim group which engineered Iraq's agreement revealed that there is a HUGE condition to "unconditional" weapons inspection: only "military", no "civilian installations". Saddam reclassified many of his military installations after the Gulf War. Saddam's "agreement", therefore, is not worth the paper it's written on.

8/07- Despite a lack of headlines, there is still a war going on in Afghanistan. Yesterday, US troops killed some Afghan snipers who opened fire on them, and today there was fighting on an Afghan army base, in which 15 were killed. Details are still sketchy, as are any details coming from Afghan officials.

8/07- Here's a big surprise (NOT) Now that the war in Afghanistan is proving a resounding success despite a now infamous "Afghan wedding" or two, the joint chiefs decided to quit arguing and back the future ousting of Saddam. Nearly all of the debate has been political finger-to-the-wind crapola, so there has been no need to mention it.

7/19- Terrorists in Afghanistan, preferring life as the Taliban, have been setting improvised incendiary devices and planting shiny new mines in areas where civilians...both AFGHANI AND foreign aid workers frequent. These are really sick puppies, and Karzai'd better do something about them besides talk, Karzai is starting to sound just like Yasser. Useless POS. We free these people from the murderes of their families and rapists of their daughters, we feed them, we give them the only medical care some of them have ever had....and this is how they treat us, because to them we ARE the Great Satan. Guess we can't blame them too much...most of them are suffering from severe brain damage due to a lifetime of malnutrition while under the thumb of their Arab overseers. Iran, of course, isn't helping matters (my additions)

6/28- Troops find new Taliban arms cache --British Press Assoc

Taliban and al-Qaida fighters in Afghanistan have received new shipments of high-tech arms to use against British and US troops, the US claims. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said that allied soldiers had discovered caches of recently arrived expensive military equipment. "It's supplies and equipment and medical gear," he told the Washington Times. "These people are well-trained, well-financed and well-equipped." He said the arms had come from all over the world.

6/28- 10 die in Afghan blast --British Press Assoc.

At least 10 people have died and 35 more were injured when a former Taliban arms store blew up in a southern Afghan town. The initial explosion happened near the border town of Spinboldak, 300 miles south of Kabul. Several Afghan soldiers were among the dead. The explosions have destroyed several buildings in the town, and more victims are believed to be under the rubble, officials say.

5/29- The sabre rattling between India and Pakistan is beginning to to get uglier. Muslim terrorists in Kashmir have been murdering people - both civilian and military alike - by the hundreds. The Indian military comtinues to retaliate. As far as another all out WAR goes, the governments of both sides have been threatening one another for a while, but there still seemed a good chance of a diplomatic alternative to war....but now that the Pakistani "ambassador" to the UN is threatening a preemptive nuclear strike on India. When the "ambassador" of the only country on Earth which celebrates the birthday of it's nuclear program as a national holiday...well...all bets are off.

While the Pakistani "ambassador" was at the UN threatening to nuke the Asian continent, Pakistan backed Muslim terrorists attacked an Indian police base, killing two officers.

4/23- More hostages at the Church of the Nativity escaped this morning. This time three American preists. (I remember when this started, the terrorists said the preists had offered them "sanctuary") by escaping to the roof and holding up signs saying "Help me". The IDF noticed and rescued them. Six Arabs (yes, there is no such thing as a "Palestinian.") escaped the church last night. IDF forces engaged in a firefight, but all six managed to escape into a neighboring building, which is also now under seige.

4/22- Hard to type. Having uncontrollable fits of giggling. Jimmy, "Da Peanut Man" Carter, that president who wasn't who brought us not only double digit inflation and double digit interest rates, but the Iranian hostage crisis and the destruction of the Shah of Iran (among other "accomplishments") volunteered his services Mideast peace expert to the Bush administration. Colin Powell said thanks, but we're not hiring right now. Last week, Bill "I did not have sex with that woman" Clinton, the man who brought us this latest intifada, volunteered his services as Mideast envoy last week. LOL...Powell said "thanks, but we're not hiring right now."

4/22- Israel- Hostages in the Church of the Nativity have begun escaping. Five Palestinian kids out of the 50 being held hostage bu "oppressed" Pali gunmen managed to go over the wall. The Pali's say they are "Israeli collaborators."

Here's how Yasser "The Oppressed One" Arafat deals with dissenters: he calls them collaborators and uses his goons to whip up a mob of ignorant peasants, then they either lynch and gut the accused, or just shoot him in the head and drag him though the streets. Sometimes, they do all of the above. Whatever heineous method of quieting dissent, all of the accused are held up as grisly examples of what happens to individuals who dare differ with the party line of the REAL oppressor: Yasser Arafat.

11/29- US forces have captured two high level members of bin Laden's al-Qaeda network in Afghanistan. One is the son of Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, convicted in 1995 as the ringleader of plots to bomb the United Nations, the George Washington Bridge and the Lincoln and Holland tunnels, 20-something year old Sayef Abdel-Rahman. Abdel-Rahman is considered a close associate of bin Laden and a recruiter for al-Qaeda. No details are known about the capture, and I don't expect any. The captives will probably be interrogated in Guam. Yet another argument for military tribunals.

11/29- Summary: One CIA contractor was confirmed killed when al-Qaeda POWS tried to take over a fortress which had been converted into a prison. Johnny Mike Span, 32, is surveved by his parents, a wife, and three children, the youngest of whom is only 6 months.

The flags hung at ground zero in New York City, have become more than a symbol of the United States: covered with the signitures of survivors, victim's families and rescue workers, these flags, now in the hands of the US Marines, are the avatars of all of us who cannot be there in person to fight. They are the souls of our fallen. They are the hearts of everyday heros. They will be flown proudly in Afghanistan and from the decks of our ships. Some people are a little offended at the signatures as a breech of flag ettiquette. I, for one, think that under the circumstances, the signatures are highly appropriate.

One flag will be flown abouve the Afghan airbase which has been taken over by the United States Marines, now on the ground in Afghanistan. As one individual wrote to bin Laden, "I hope that your last breath is spent looking at this flag. HHOOOOyaaa, roll, roll, ROLL! Oh, wait...that's Army. Whatever your battle cry is...USE IT AND ROLL ALL OVER 'EM BOYS!!!

11/27- Though Khunduz finally gave up to the NA over the weekend, Taliban prisoners of war, incarcerated in a prison made over from a fort in Mazar-e-Sharif "revolted" against their guards and a handful of US S's and CIA contractors Sunday. The prisoners somehow got hold of grenades, which they used to kill some guards, so they could stal their weapons. THEN the prisoners managed to work their way to a weapons cache , complete with mortars and rocket launchers, which apparently was NOT removed when the fort was converted into a prison. US and British SF coordinated the counter assault.

Well, the prison break has failed, and all the Taliban prisoners are dead. The NA went in with guns to make sure they STAYED dead. Hey, those Taliban multiple murderers earned their deaths. They got what they earned. In addition, a CIA contractor may have or may not have been killed during the fighting. Pray for our boys.

11/27- In the meantime yesterday, at the other end of Afghanistan, US MArines landed and took over a "private airbast" which had been built "by an Arab". They were set upon by a Taliban Column from Quandahar. Taliban spokesman Mullah Abdullah was quoted by the Afghan Islamic Press as saying, "We have decided to fight against the American military until death." Yep, they did die all right. To quote my Mom: "since the followers of bin Laden are so stupid and brain dead that they think they will go to paradise if they die, I feel that we should help them with the trip by providing transportation." Looks like our Marines provided that transportation.

11/23- Northrn Allience troops stopped outside of Kabul as per request by the US that they avoid entering the city until some kind of government could be set up. The Taliban motored out of the Kabul in a hurry - another "strategic retreat", I guess. I imagine that at least some of them plan to get out of Afghnistan in order to spread their message of hate, and to operate terror cells.

11/12- What happened to the Taliban propaganda machine? Tick off the news media, and you can lose a war. Worse than you're already losing, that is. Excerpt from article,

"PARIS, Nov 12 (Reuters) - A French journalist working for RTL radio was killed on Sunday in an ambush by ruling Taliban forces in northeast Afghanistan, RTL confirmed on Monday.

"Pierre Billaud, 31, died along with fellow French reporter Johanne Sutton when the Taliban attacked the armoured personnel carrier of the opposition Northern Alliance on which they were travelling, a spokesperson for Luxembourg-based radio RTL said.

11/12- What's going on with the war? We're winning, that's what's going on. The Taliban has beat what they call a "strategic withdrawl" from two cities in Northern Afghanistan.

10/29- Who says the US hasn't been killing terrorists? A couple of British news publications have been ranting that the US is losing the war - already. One publication went so far as to say that the US hasn't killed one terrorist. People who fight for Osama bin Laden ARE terrorists, and it took an Arab publication to release some names. It isn't pretty. Four "Britons" and one "American" - all Pakistani expatriots - were killed in US bombing raids.

10/25- Afghan citizens are thrilled to receive food aid from the US. The ones the food aid gets to, that is. Aid packages are still turning up for sale in marketplaces, though the price is said to have dropped. The Afghan people have been starving for years, a condition the Taliban blames on the ongoing drought. Personally, I think that if the Taliban were a real government, which it isn't, they could have done more to help their people. Instead, the occasionally cluster bomb them ( see link in below section ).

Some of the food aid isn't getting to the starving civilian population, some of whom were forced to flee from Taliban bombs US attacks. Hopefully, the US will be able to find the new locations of these people so that they can be fed.

10/17- These people amaze me. The Taliban, which "only occasionally" cluster bombs is citizens, is now having one of those survival-oriented changes of heart about Usama bin Laden. After having lost training camps, electricity, weapons caches, airports and military bases, they want to talk about handing over bin Laden, whom they previously refused to hand over, which prompted the US to start bombing 11 days ago.

Taliban chief "in secret appeal to US

A leading figure in the Taliban regime is reported to have made a secret approach about handing over Osama bin Laden. The Taliban foreign minister Mullah Abdul Wakil Muttawakil is said to have appealed to the US to ease its bombing campaign to give moderates in the regime a chance to reconsider their refusal to give up Bin Laden. Western diplomatic sources are quoted as saying that he had asked Pakistan to pass on the message to the Americans during a secret visit to the country in the past few days.

9/20- India says the Taliban is recalling terrorists...I mean guerrillas...from Kashmir, where they've been of crusading...I mean Jihad-ing. Acutally, I think the amount of firepower converging on them from the US and Britain is making the Taliban nervous.

9/18- The Northern Alliance of Afghanistan, the main opposition of the Taliban, has pledged to help the US to strike bin Laden's training camps. The military leader of the Northern alliance, Ahmad Shah Masood, died last week from injuries recieved during a ( successful ) assassination attempt on September 8. The Northern Alliance blames the Taliban, and has called for it's distruction.

9/17- Pakistan is one of three entities which believes the Taliban is the lawful government-of-sorts of Afghanistan. At the same time, Pakistan houses over a million Afghan refugees displaced by that same Taliban.

Just a thought: if some of those Afghan refugees pouring into Pakistan are stupid enough to be loyal to such a bloody regime as the Taliban, then some of them are stupid enough to create a problem for the country now sheltering the refugees resulting from that bloody regime.

9/17- A Pakistani delegation is in Afghanistan, trying to convince the Taliban to give up Osama bin Laden. The taliban, of course, is refusing to give him up.