Ban ALL Weapons!!

Ban Weapons

M. Hanes
July 17, 2000

     Violent crimes are perpetrated every day in this country by assailants using weapons posing as harmless living or non-living things. It is a growing crisis in this country, unnoticed due to the press's bias toward the anti-gun lobby. The media should remember that ratings aren't the be-all and end-all of reporting. The public does have a right to know when they are in danger.

     Criminals wield forks, knives, baseball bats (or anything serving as a bludgeoning device), car keys, automobiles, bricks, stones, spare change, bottles, cook ware, drink ware and sling-shots. They maim and kill with casts ( the kind used on broken bones ) and other assorted medical supplies. They attack with fists, feet, knees, heads, bodies (living or not) and large animals, ie: horses. They even use furniture to perpetate their crimes.

     In short, anything which moves, can be moved and/or picked up and/or manipulated in any way can be used as a deadly weapon. Even a plastic drinking cup, in the hand of a knowing user, is a deadly weapon.

     I propose, therefore, that any and all potentially deadly weapons including the ones defined above, and those which may, by any stretch of the imagination, belong in the above category, be immediately classified, confiscated and banned.

     Anyone knowingly in the possession of, or company of, any of the aforementioned deadly weapons should be immediately prosecuted to the full extent of the law, after such laws have been defined.

     I represent a rapidly growing group called MARL, or Mothers Against Real Life. We have a protest march scheduled in Washington, D.C. in a couple of weeks. An official announcement and press release will be forthcoming as soon as we have all the details ironed out.

     Any mother concerned the growing threat from any of the things we interact with every day is welcome to march to Washington with us. Any one interested may contact us at this web site.

     In the mean time, join our letter campaign to Capitol Hill. Let your Congress Person know how you feel. Register to vote, and make your vote count. Remember, this is a national crisis: the fork you eat dinner with today could well be the instrument of your murder tomorrow.
