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2001 National Wildfire Season Update center

10/09- A treehugger protesting the EEEEEVEEEL loggers in Corralitos California fell out of his tree. In the ultimate irony, it was the EEEEVEEEL loggers who found the unknown man moaning under the tree and called for help. A spokesman for Earth First! says that two Earth First!ers have been living in the trees, owned by private logging company. TWO?? Where was the other Earth Firster? Why didn't HE or SHE help? The man was still alive when the EEEVEEEL loggers found him...perhaps if his err..colleague had gotten help sonner...oh, I forget. It's Earth First! people last to these nuts.

9/20- Pacific ELF claimed responsibility for setting fire to a 40 year old USFS research building in Warren, PA August 11, according to the USFS newsletter. Due to the professionalism and speed which is the hallmark of PA firefighters, only the roof of the building was damaged, and that $700,000 damage is under repair. ELF sent an email to the Warren Times Observer, recently, claiming the arson was in protest of timber sales, oil drilling and "the greed driven manipulation of nature" in the Allegheny Forest. I have news for you Pacific basterds: if it weren't for the USFS, there wouldn't be an Allegheny National forest. Whassa matter - your lawsuit-driven environazi policies and the resulting wildfires which razed forests in the West make cause you to run out of trees to hug on the West coast, so you have to go East, where the forests are healthy and meddle in OUR affairs??

Sequioa National Forest before
...& during the summer of 2002

The ELF email concluded by stating that ALL Forestry buildings across the country "should now be considered targets", and threats of GUN violence: "While all innocent life will never be harmed in any action we undertake, where it is necessary, we will no longer hesitate to pick up the gun to impliment justice and will provide the needed protection for our planet that decades of legal battles, pleading, protest and economic sabotage have failed so drastically to achieve."

Warren lab workers were shocked at the stupidity and ignorance of ELF's allegations. The Warren lab achieved international recognition for it's research the impact of deer on hardwood forests, the effects of acid rain, and a 20 year study on sugar maple decline, including the effect of acid rain. Stoat said, "We percieve ourselves as doing research to promote sustainable stewardship of hardwood forests in Pennsylvania and surrounding states. It seems like an agenda people should be in favor of."

Indeed. Anyone who thinks Pennsylvania forests need the protection of armchair environmentalists 2,000 miles away should simply compare the beautiful and verdant forests covering most of our great Commonwealth to, say SEQUOIA NATIONAL FOREST OR SOUR BUISCUIT if they think that terrorists like ELF know better how to protect trees than we do. But then again, protecting the forests isn't the real agenda of these terrorists. Social anarchy, and for some, just plain ol' Third Way Socialism is. The forests are just a tool with which to further that agenda.

Pacific ELF also claimed responsibility for spiking trees and burning a crane in an effort to stop a $31 million highway project in Erie, PA, according to the USFS. The Forestry service has offered a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the terrorist. Heck, you might be able to get a supplimentary reward from the DOJ for stopping a terrorist. A 24 hour a day tipline has been set up at 1-888-283-3437.

8/27- Lotsa fires today. A 3,300 acre Fenton Lake State Park wildfire in New Mexaco's Jemez Mountains, 50 miles from Albuquerque has burnt at least 4 homes and forced the evacuation of three towns and JPL's Fenton Hill astronomy facility so far. The Fenton fire is only 15% contained at this time, the cause is probably arson since officals seem reluctant to say. Additionally, a small, 100 acre wildfire in Sandiego County California destroyed 7 buildings, including two homes. The residents had voluntarily evacuated the area. The San Deigo County fires - there are FIVE of them within ONE MILE from each other, are suspected cases of arson (MAY WHOMEVER IT IS ROT IN HELL).

In Arizona, a 1,210 acre wildfire caused an evacuation warning to be issued for housing developements around Peyson AZ.

8/26- There's progress in Oregons Sour Biscuit fire finally. Firefighters who've stubbornly refused to give up on the now 500,023 acre fire for five weeks now report it's 90% contained. With luck, more humidity, no more flareups and no more AWFULLY convenient lightening strikes an the environazi infested state, the fire is hoped to be 100% contained as soon as officials are satisfied that reinforcements of the containment line are more than adequate.

8/21- President Bush will begin revealing his idea to bring back thinning as a part of timber management and fire provention. Nearly 80 percent of his increase to the USDA budget went to the Forestry Department. He'll be speaking in Medford Oregon tomorrow. Envirowackos are expected to go balistic. Tough. Let the environazis fight the wildfires raging through Oregon.

The Oregon wildfires are still burning out of control. The Oregon Sour Biscuit fire alone is currently at 489,279 acres. The wildfire in South Dakota's Black Hills has destroyed two homes and caused 100's to be evacuated.

8/07- While firefighters in Oregon report some progress in the 250,000 acre blazes out there, the also still ongoing - and previously thought to be pretty much contained SoCal wildfire jumped the fireline today near Ranchita, east of San Diego. The 340 residents of Ranchita have already been evacuated.

8/07- Our aging fleet of waterbombers will be carrying 15 percent lighter loads of fire retardant for the rest of this year's wildfire season. The move is a precaution, in response to two fatal crshes earlier in the wildfire season, though there is no evidence that overloading was the cause.

7/30- Oregon Various wildfires threatening southwest Oregon are converging into a thirty mile wide fireline. 17,000 people may have to be evacuated before the last main escape route, north on U.S.199 is completely closed. Part of 199 has already been closed due to the Shelly Creek fire causing boulders and burning trees to fall into the road. The treehuggers' dream of forest fires being cleansing and beneficial has become our nightmare here in the US.

7/29- Oregon There are at least 30 fires burning throughout Oregon. All are attributed to lightening. Oregon is in the middle of a terrible drought, but lightning CAN occur without rain...with at least four arsonists in custory, I am frankly skeptical. Oregon firefughters are not expected to get relief int he form of rain any time soon. Treehuggers: no, a tree can't scream. Not even when it's on fire. We have the meddling of environazis who used lawsuits to prevent the clearing of brush and dead wood, the building of fire access roads, and the denial of many water sources with which these fires could be fought. We can thank those who wanted to "save our forests" for the loss of 12 firefighters and the loss of over 3 million acres of forest in the past few months.

Summary of the worst Oregon wildfires, from Oregon Live and AP.

7/28- Three Lassen National Forest firefighters were killed when their Engine 11 rolled 800 feet into a ravine near Klamath Falls. The Forestry Department firefighters were fighting one of two large fires burning in the area. Capt. Steven Oustad, 51, of Westwood, Heather DePaolo, 29, of Redding, and John Self, 19 were killed. The two survivors were airlifted from the site to the Mercy Medical Center in Redding. They are listed in serious condition. My prayers, and the prayers of all of us affected by wildfire season go out to the families and friends of both the dead and the injured.

7/24- California An arrest has been made in the investigation of the cause of a wildfire now threatening the Sequoia National Forest. After a three day hunt, Teri D. VanBrunt was finally down. She apparently walked into a lodge near the fire last Monday, announced that she'd been cooking hot dogs and her campfire had gotten out of control...then left. A few minutes later, the lodge burned. Over 50,000 acres are burning, and the fire is still speading, despite the use of waterbombers recently ungrounded after accidents killed several firefighters in Colorado. (NY Times. Registration is free)

7/22- Oregon Several wildfires are burning out of control in Oregon, fed by an overabundance of dead brush and trees, the removal of which the greenies went to court several times to prevent. Now our oldes "Old Growth" forest Sequoia National Forest is in danger. What will the envirowackos use for a mantra now if their political mechanizations have destroy their favorite mantra? Ironic, is it not? It's a also senseless and sinful waste of the wonderful resources that God, in his infinite wisdom, placed upon this planet.

7/20- LYONS, Colo. (AP) -- Bystanders and firefighters looked on in horror as an air tanker disintegrated into flames and crashed while battling a 1,200-acre wildfire near Denver, killing both crew members. Investigators from the U.S. Forest Service and the National Transportation Safety Board were en route to the scene near the rugged Rocky Mountain National Park, about 45 miles northwest of Denver. The crew members' names were not immediately released. The crash prompted all firefighting planes nationwide to be grounded for 48 hours while it is investigated.

Note from me: ALL WATERBOMBERS, have been grounded, nationwide. Looks like there wasn't a heck of a lot of MAINTAINANCE money during Clinton's environmentalist bid to destroy the environment.

7/20- Colorado- The admitted perp who started one of the deadly wildfires in Colorado, Terry Barton, has pleaded innocent to charges including arson and injuring a firefighter. Her lawyers made motions to suppress her conflicting statements to investigators, and to throw out evidence which they say was taken from her home without a warrent. Oh yeah...SHE sounds innocent.

7/20- Colorado- The Big Elk Meadow fire, near Pinewoods Springs went from 1,500 acres lst night to 2,500 acres today. It's still growing. The subdivision nearbye was evacuated several days ago. Waterbombers were grounded after the crash above, which is the second suffered by fire crews battling these SENSELESS blazes, which never should have started in the first place.

7/19- Oregon- Wildfires are burning out of control all over Oregon. Homes of the people who fought for water in Klamath Falls are once again threatened. 200,000 acres are now burning. Hundreds of thousands of fish have been killed by environazi lawsuit-inspired legislation which was ostensibly supposed to PROTECT the fish, as well as the land based wildlife. Wildlife, of course, is being barbecued by the hundreds of species. This is awful. The oregon environazi's who started this are all off on a nationwide protest tour, which will culminate in the Earth Summit of their owners and handlers, the UN, on August 26th. Better protect your trees, people.

7/19- Arizona- The brain dead female who got lost on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation, set fire to a bush so someone would find her, then left it to burn into the largest wildfire in Arizona's history will not be presecuted. Prosecutors say there's no evidence of "criminal intent". She says she thought the fire, set in the dry, windy desert, would burn itself out. Unfortunately, terminal stupidity is not against the law.

7/15- Boise Idaho- Updates on several current wildfires, including Wyoming, Utah and Arizona.

7/11- By Cat Lazaroff - WASHINGTON, DC, July 11, 2002 (ENS) - The U.S. Forest Service released a report this week charging that lawsuits from environmentalists are preventing the agency from effectively managing forests to reduce wildfire risk. Environmentalists counter that the agency report ignores a number of fire management tools that the conservation community supports, and warn that the Forest Service is misspending funds provided for forest management. The Forest Service report found that 48 percent of projects in which the agency planned to cut down small trees to reduce fire fuels were stalled by administrative appeals filed by conservation groups. Twenty-one of those cases were eventually taken to court.

7/01- Provo Utah- A wildfire erupted in the hills of Provo. 350 acres currently burning. Conditions dry and windy. Expected to spread.

10/12- California, environmentalist extremist capital of the world, where management for the sake of healthier, more fire resistant forests is considered cardinal sin, is now worried because an LA suburb is threatened by wildfire.

Read about Tom L. Craven, 30, Karen L. Fitzpatrick, 18, Devin A Weaver, 21, and Jessica L. Johnson, 19, four firefighters who were killed by government red tape ( the ESA ) on July 10, 2001.

8/29- Frank Brady, of Mendicino County, CA has been charged with two counts of murder for the deaths of two pilots who were killed while attempting to fight a wildfire which was allegedly caused by Brady's campfire. Brady was also charged with attempting to manufacture methamphetemene.

8/01- I don't know if you've been following the Klamath Falls fiasco, where humans are barred from using the water to irrigate crops. On July 10, four firefighters on mop-up duty at a wildfire were killed while sheltering under their "Reynolds Wrap".

Tom L. Craven, 30, Karen L. Fitzpatrick, 18, Devin A Weaver, 21, and Jessica L. Johnson, 19 were killed when the fire exploded from 25 acres to 2,500 acres in less than three hours. These people died due to an EPA regulation which prevented aircraft from taking water from streams containg "endangered" fish to douse the fire. The same regulation preventing the Klamath Falls farmers from using water which they paid for.

My prayers still go out to the families of these firefighters. I know from experience the feeling of cold dread that grabs your gut when that phone rings and you know that your loved one has been put on "call" or even "standbye". Under the best of circumstances, anything can happen, and there's always the possibility that you will never see your husband or wife or child or parent again.

The possibility of death or injury is something that all firefighters accept. The fact that these particular firefighters died, not herocally fighting a massive fire like the one in Yellowstone a few years ago, and not to save homes and lives: they died because of red tape caused by EPA regulations in order to protect fish which are only considered "endangered" in some streams.

The EPA is now not only responsible for the deaths of hundreds of tons of crops; the EPA is directly responsible for the deaths of firefighters who dedicated their lives to saving our wilderness from fire.

Year-to-date, 2001 map of current wildfires.

From News from Rural Northwest Idaho: A review and analysis of Clinton's EO banning all roads into Wilderness areas, including fire access roads.

"Information received in response to the document request indicates that the Administration's roadless area initiative was developed in an environmental vacuum - with virtually all input coming from a select few in the environmentalist community, primarily: Ken Rait of the Heritage Forest Campaign Mike Francis, Bill Meadows and Charles Wilkinson of The Wilderness Society, Niel Lawrence of the Natural Resources Defense Council, Gene Karpinski of USPIRG, Marty Hayden of the Earth Justice Legal Defense Fund, Dan Beard of the Audubon Society; and Carl Pope of the Sierra Club."

Review and update of the 1995 Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy

The National Forestry Department overview of National Fire Plan - Hazardous Fuel Reduction: Forest management, as well as a breakdown of the rntire Hazardous Fuel Reduction Plan.