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Terrorism in the Home Front

The continuing sniper attacks made me decide we need a new category. This way, we can split up all the terrorist attacks into domestic (U.S.) and World. Seems like the best way, because whether foreign, domestic or a combination of both, the sniper is definitely a terrorist. IMO, I've been willing to bet money since the beginning that the PC police force from the People's Republik of Maryland will NEVER catch this bozo.

Daschle, you @$$HOLE...get off your sorry, corrupt, OBSTRUCTING, Democrat behind and FUND THE OFFICE OF HOMELAND SECURITY NOW!!

10/27- Nathaniel Osbourne, ANOTHER Jamaicanmaterial witness in the case. Speaking of Malvo, he was left alone in an interregation booth yesterday at a "secure" and secret FBI facility...and prompty punched his way though the ceiling tiles. Agents swarmed into the room and grabbed his legs as he was pulling himself up into a ventilation shaft.

10/25- Show of hands: who remembers the anthrax attacks of last year? OK. Now, who remembers the media agaonizing (when it was about over) as to whether their hysteria-mongering had contributed to inflating public angst untill it was WAAAY greater than the public would otherwise experienced? They wondered (aloud, on TV) whether their 24/7, in-your-face rehashing of the attacks may have been a tad irresponsible. After a week of agonizing, ad nauseum, the mass media then found it's self "not guilty" of irresponsible journalism, and THAT was that. Suddenly it was over.

The fact is, all those "analysts" and "experts" in the media didn't get anything right. They didn't find it odd to keep insisting that the public look for a "white box truck" in an area where white delivery trucks ABOUND. They insisted the killer was either an angry white (supremicist in some TV profiles) 30-ish, gun nut with a membership in the NRA, or an angry YOUNG white man, or TWO angry young white men who'd made a pact. Today, the Washington Post reports that the media is now asking it's collective self whether this round of hysteria-mongering and reporting of ASSumption as fact may have caused the nervous and watchful public to look in the wrong places for the killer in their midst in "With Sniper, TV Profiliers Missed the Mark" (so did a few print profilers) In a week or so, the media will again find itsef "not guilty" of irresponsible journalism.

Here's Michell Malkin's EXCELLENT commentary on Lee Malvo, the 17 year-old sniper. Says Malkin "Lee Malvo is an illegal alien from Jamaica who jumped ship in Miami in June 2001. He was apprehended by the Border Patrol in Bellingham, Wash., in December 2001, but was then let go by the INS district in Seattle in clear violation of federal law and contrary to what the arresting Border Patrol officers intended, according to my law enforcement sources." MUST READ Commentary

There's also the NY Time's report of the priest who recieved an angry phone call informing him the sniper (the 17 year-old) was responsible for shooting two women in the backs as they closed up a liquor store in Montgomery Alabama. However, I want you to pay special attention to THIS PARAAGRAPH:

"The fingerprints were in juvenile-crime records maintained in Washington State and in records of the immigration service; though federal agents had access to both, the Montgomery police had had access to neither." THAT type of information coordination and sharing is EXACTLY what the Office of Homeland Security is meant to cover, so that CRAP like that is much less likely to happen. HOWEVER, the Office of Homeland Security is still tied up in the senate by the Clinton/Daschle/Shumer et al camp. Democrats. They don't want us to be secure. They want power, and they want our guns.

10/24- SNIPER ARREST!! John Allen Muhammad and his stepson, John Lee Malvo, were suspects in the murders and assaults. It's kinda unclear whether the police caught the actual murderers or not. HOWEVER, since the police MADE this arrest, and Chief Moose went on TV AFTER the arrests and delivered his message to - SOMEBODY - the police obviously feel they have arrested someone CLOSELY connected to the sniper attacks. Anyone THAT close must be involved. Maybe Moose's message was directed to the real sniper(s)... Or the suspician I've had all along that these Usama like statements are meant as coded messages to other terrorists, and THESE terrorists forced a police chief to deliver them!

Time will tell. Whether or not they got THESE snipers - there will be more. Every time Moose tried to communicate with the terrorists on TV, I had a chilling feeling that THEY were directing his statements. Here's what I came up with while amatuer-sleuthing with the "I am God" tarot cryptogram. It probably doesn't matter at this point. To me, this was proof the terrorists WERE INDEED directing the chief's statements, before the chief himself confirmed it yesterday. Fox News reports that after a tipline call alerted police to Muhammad, the two men were found sleeping in their vehicle at a rest stop. Police found a gun that "appears to be the same cliber" (c'mon, guys, it ain't had to tell: all you have to do is LOOK at the thing) a scope and a tripod inside the car.

10/22- Rockville MD Bus driver Conrad Johnson was murdered by the sniper this morning, while standing on the top steps of a stopped bus, apparently doing some paperwork. Shot in the chest, he was airlifted to Suburban Hospital in Bethesda, Md, where he died. While the case hasn't been officially linked to the other sniper attacks, it's being treated as one. Mr. Johnson may be the 13th victim.

10/22- The Pentagon providd the Maryland police with a military surveillance craft to aid in their so-far fruitless search for the sniper. To get around the Posse Comitatus Act, the military will operate the RC-7 turbo-prop under the direction of local police. Well, I'll try to give the local police the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they'll actually anticipate the killer and make the cost worthwhile...but I doubt it.

10/21- Could an AWOL French cadet, originally from Yugoslavia, be the sniper? A 25 year old, who can use his real name because it isn't being released, left his military academy - where he was training to be a sniper - ostensibly to spend last summer in Canada. He hasn't been seen since. French authorities, of course, didn't list him as AWOL until he failed to show up at the academy when the new term started. No mention was made of exactly when term should have started...this IS toward the end of October. Maybe The French start later than we do over here. Link to the very few revealed details about the mysterious cadet.

10/21- Could the sniper have broken his only established pattern of attack? Police have not released the name of a man shot outside a restaurant on Saturday, because he's still alive. If this IS confirmed as having been the work of the bozo who's been terrorising Maryland and Virginia residents since October 2, this is the only time known of that he's broken his pattern of not attacking on weekends. Police have since confirmed the attack is sniper related (grain of salt alert) and that an extortion note left at the scene is believed to be from the sniper (s).

10/18- A Falls Church VA man was arrested for giving false information to police in the sniper case. Matthew Dowdy, 37, pretended he had witnessed the murder of Linda Franklin in a Home Depot parking lot last Monday. Police caught on to Dowdy when they compared eyewitness accounts of the murder. His account of what happened just didn't add up to that of the real witnesses. He is charged with knowingly and willfully making materially false statements to police and may pay for his 15 minutes of fame by spending 6 months in jail (big deal).

10/15- Falls Church VA 47 year-old Linda Franklin, an FBI anylist in Arlington VA, was confirmed to be the 11th victim of the sniper after she was murdered in the parking lot of a Home Depot store. The same day, police seized and searched a white van containing a sniper manual, an assault rifle - the caliber of which they will not release - ammo "similar" to a .223 bullet and a taro card reading "Gihad" [sic] in America. The owner was questioned and released without being charged with anything.

10/15- Maryland police are asking the Pentagon to aid in their search for the sniper by making available military surveillance technology. Weird. Military tech is expensive, and it seems they'd have more luck using the local National Guard in helicopters for recon.

Earlier this month:

Police pulling over all white vans on I-95 ans I-395 Washington Post Story Wednesday night's murder in Mannasses is linked to the Beltway attacks: Fox News Story

October 11- An unidentified man murdered in Fredericksburg, Va, site of another shooting last week in wich the victim survived. Story: UPI UPDATE: The latest Fredricksbergh shooting is linked to the Sniper

October 9- Dean Meyers, 53, of Gaithersburg, Md. is shot down at a Manasses gas station while filling his car.

The now infamous leak about the tarot card, "La Mort" or "Death" and it's "Dear Mr. Policeman, I am God" message:

Evidence leak sparks criticism - Maryland Gazette Newspapers, MD

Police probe new shooting; tarot 'calling card' revealed - Buffalo News

October 7- 13 year-old boy is shot after being dropped off at Bowie middle school. CNN Story

October 4- Lori Ann Lewis-Rivera is murdered as she prepares to vacuum out her van at a Maryland gas station. WPVI, PA

October 4- Part time Indian cab driver, Prem Kumar Walakar murdered at a Mobile station

October 4- James Buchanan, 39, is murdered while mowing grass near an auto dealership. Story: ABC News

October 3- 55 year-old James Martin becomes the first victim. Yahoo