By: M.Hanes, compilation begun September 28, 2000


Nazi is a contraction of the two German words National and Sozialist. One reason the party became powerful was due, oddly, to public fears of Communist influence. In all I have read, I have found no fundamental difference between Socialism, Marxism and Communism. They are all one and the same, and based on exactly the same philosophies. A different name for the same philosophy does not make for a different philosophy. Therefore, scientifically speaking, I see no need to stick strictly to Hitler's National Socialist Party for general discriptions of Socialist philosophy. I will stick strictly to the National Socialist Party for comparisons to the Third Reich.

The Third Way, or the Third Reich: The New Democrats and the National Socialist Party

Here is Adolph Hitler, described in the New American Desk Encyclopedia: ..."dictator of Germany 1933-45. Hitler will for a long time remain a highly controversial figure. He was without a doubt an evil man, coarse and unstable by nature, but he had political genius and was one of the phenomena of the 20th century. He hardly put a foot wrong politically between 1931 and 1941, and conquered an area of Europe larger than Napolean did.

"He was the first man to understand and exploit the politics of the mass age and set up a radicalism of the right which won mass support and beat the radicals of the left on their own ground, something which earlier conservative and reactionary parties failed to do. [Clarification: Hitler billed himself as a conservative, though he set up the National Socialist Worker's Party. Just switch "right" and "left" and you have the Current Western political climate]

"A powerful orator, he was one of the first to understand political propaganda, including the propaganda value of violence and terror."

The son of a Customs official, he grew up near Linz, Austria. He left school at 6 and made a scanty living as a hack artist 1908-13. Drafted into WWI, he was twice awarded the Iron Cross. In 1919 he joined the small German Workers Party, which he turned into the the National Socialist Workers Party"

Al Gore has proven himself to be unstable by merely opening his mouth in public. Bill Clinton, with the help of the US Justice Department his own version of the Propaganda Machine, keeps his instability carefully hidden from the did Hitler, in his time. The Media does what it can for Al Gore, though, and usually manages to make most of the public laugh and shrug off Gore's frequent "mistakes" as isolated incidents.

Bill Clinton and his wife publicly brag about having been accused of murder. The justice department is run by someone, shall we say, sympathetic, to the cause of these New Democrats. Witnesses against any illegal activities may either plead the fifth amandment and flee the country. Some have gone to jail and/or face ruinous fines from various government agencies. Some just die outright. Therefore, the leaders of this country use the structure of the entire legal system of the United States to make themselves untouchable. This is basically how Hitler got rid of his stronger opponents before simply changing his country's legal structure.

The National Socialist Party used a combination of propaganda, and Hitler's talent for powerful oratory to achieve political dominance. All speeches and oratory were designed to appeal to the fears of as much of the public as possible. It became politically correct to be a member of this party.

Hugo Ringler said, "There stood the speaker before his listeners: inspired and filled to the very core with the marvelous ideals [Ideengut] and thoughts of the National-Socialist world view. And he strove to transfer this inspiration, this devotion, this faith which he carried within himself, to transfer that to his listeners and make them loyal National-Socialists. A thousand ways it was proved true that often it was not so much the contents of speech as it was the manner in which it was delivered that influenced the listener and won him to us." (Heart or Reason? What We Don't Want from Our Speakers, 1937).

Al Gore is an absolutely perfect example of that. His public statements are riddled with everything from innacuracies to outright lies. However, Gore certainly strives to transfer his devotion to his listeners, and we know he must be very devoted -we just can't say for sure what he's devoted to. It's the delivery, not the content that inspires.

The Nazi party used their amazingly efficient propaganda machine to worm their way into the minds and hearts of the public. It took them 14 years of patient persistence to gain power. During summit meetings of the Propaganda Machine, leaders stressed the need for continued use of the techniques that made the Nazi Party a success. The media was exhorted to never slack off on opposition parties, because then the opposition might make itself heard by the public. The information written by the National Socialists on the subject of propaganda is overwhelming. The importance of propaganda to the socialist aganda cannot be stressed enough. The Nazi's certainly placed enough emphasis on it, because it worked. With typical Teutonic efficiency, they perfected it into a perfect machine.

Political propaganda was seen the Socialist Workers Party as a moral duty, to ensure that the public "confidently and clearly understands National Socialism's policies, quickly and correctly...Political propaganda is the highest responsibility, it is a moral duty, a national duty. We may never think there is too much of it, or that it is superfluous." (--Dr. Josef Wells, Political Propaganda as Moral Duty, 1936). That is the very essence of propaganda. Tell the public only only what is proven to make them love the party. Stick with what works. Never rest, even after achieving your objective, or the public may notice that they've been misled. The National Socialists even understood and wrote an essay on Film as Weapon. That was in 1937. Imagine what the National Socialists could do with entertainment industry today!

Propaganda was the means by which the Socialist Workers Party achieved and maintained power. Propaganda is the means by which the New Democrats have achieved and are maintaining their power. While a few intrepid reporters in the popular news services prove that the policies of the present administration do not work, and that promised policies will not work, these reports are rarely seen by the public. The news and entertainment media concentrates instead on making disparaging remarks about oppponents of the administration.

The disarmament of the public is a priority of all New Democrats, all over the world.

"1935 will go down in history! For the first time a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead in the future!"(-- Adolph Hitler).

We all know, I hope, what happened after that. Maybe we all don't know: my teenaged children (two of whom recently graduated from high school) asked me last week, "What was the Third Reich"? It seems they had learned about WWII in school, but apparently they didn't learn about WWII in school. "Simply remove from the curriculum of any information which might harm the cause."--(*Trotsky) Al Gore promised on October 3rd, 2000, to rid our schools of "cultural pollution".

The term socialism is commonly used to refer both to an ideology--a comprehensive set of beliefs or ideas about the nature of human society and its future desirable state--and to a state of society based on that ideology. Socialists have always claimed to stand above all for the values of equality, social justice, cooperation, progress, and individual freedom and happiness, and they have generally sought to realize these values by the abolition of the private-enterprise economy and its replacement by "public ownership," a system of social or state control over production and distribution. Methods of transformation advocated by socialists range from popular education through constitutional change (achieving parliamentary majorities, for example) to violent revolution. ( definition from Anarchism, Marxism, and Socialism/Communism --Thinkquest )

Raymond Williams once wrote that, "If, on the other hand, our purpose is manipulation -- the persuasion of a large number of people to act, feel, think, know, in certain ways -- the convenient formula will be that of the masses" (Williams 1958, 303). He also wrote that,"there are, in fact, no masses, only ways of seeing people as masses." In other words, that mass of people we know as "the poor", are a term made to fit the notion of the "worker" in Marxist philosophy.

We won WWII. We won the Cold War. How could Socialism possibly become entrenched in a society built successfully on Capitalism? Bill Clinton explained it in his speech at the Third Way Summit: "What gives rise to this kind of politics, when the old order is destroyed or when the realities of daily life or popular dreams can no longer be accommodated by a given set of political arrangements through a political debate." He's not quite as good as Hitler, but that wasn't bad. I'll try in the next paragraph.

This type of politics arises when traditional self-reliant pragmatic thinking, becomes utterly inadequate, while a disdainful attitude toward progressive ideas as "empty rhetoric" becomes insubstantial, reactionary and downright funny. On the contrary, it is the traditional ideas of "Americanism" that have become lifeless, petrified "rhetoric" giving rise to nothing but errors and confusion. --*(Trotsky)

New Democrat agenda: 1: Return to the capitalism of the former USSR and eastern Europe
2: Fully utilise the productive forces, particularly the labour of the working class, the most important productive force.
3: Harness that productive force to it's fullest potential by eliminating the limitations of private ownership.*
4: Eliminate obsolete examples of history by forgotten writers, which have no historical objective.
5: Provide all people in the world with the raw materials, tools and equipment they need to participate in the global economy.


New American Desk Encyclopedia Penguin Books, 1989

Theories of Mass Culture, from The Media History Project

Political Propaganda as a Moral Duty, Dr. Joseph Wells, 1936

Marxism in Our Time, Leon Trotsky --reprint of entire pamphlet on, 1994

Socialism Today, issue 49, July 2000 Trotsky's relavence Today

Anarchism, Marxism, and Socialism/Communism, from Thinkquest

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