Buzzwords: How to Use Them Effectively

Create Phrasology Worthy of the Clinton$, Je$$e and Al

So this is how the great, left-wing speeches are built!
Click the Buzz button or, if you'd like to customize the buzz phrase, enter a buzz term seed in the box. For example:
environmentally sensitive ( that one is a hoot ), deficit spending, protest, etc.
Click on "Buzz" until you get a sufficiently obfuscated yet sensible sentence, which satisfies your requirements.
Buzzword scripts have been around awhile, but they're still fun.
Your very own term (not required)

NOTE: I borrowed heavily from the White House press release of the Democratic Leadership Forums' Third Way Summit minutes. Many of the phrases are copied and pasted from speeches made by the participants - who are mostly paraphrasing Trotsky.
Original, unalterd script from