USING WAITE-RYDER DECK (NOTE: standard deletion of duplicates)


I haven't messed with cryptograms in years. One night (VERY late) I was thinking about the only published message the murders left to the police. It was obviously a simple alphanumerical thing, where each letter of the alphabet has a corresponding number. I used only the first letter of each word in the Tarot message. The problem was, what the corresponding NUMBERS corresponded to. The key to the cryptogram hit me like a ton of bricks: the killers wanted to communicate with police...and others, via the all too willing, hysteria-mongering news media. The numbers had to correspond to the numbers on a deck of Tarot cards. After that it was easy.

I only decided to do this a few days ago...then was afraid to publish it, because I was afraid of messing up the investigation, or something (not that the killers were likely to read this website.) Now that it probably doesn't matter, here it is.

D: (4; Emperor card) - "Who's in control" or more likely: "I am in control."

E: (5; Hierophant) "This won't be easy, but it can be done. The solution is there. Find it. Bring it to you."

A: (1; Fool) "Pay attention. Watch your step or you will fall and look like a fool."

R: (18; Moon) "When Someone else is in control, you have two choices: chase your tail and howl at the moon, or do something constructive [or do this - or these positive thing(s)]"

M: (13; Death) "The old world, the old life is dead. This is a time of change and new beginning."

P: (16; Tower) "The Tower, which represents lies and deception, must [had to?] be destroyed to make way for something new to be built."

O: (15; Devil) "You must free yourself from the Earthly bonds of greed, lust, ambition, decadence [yeah, yeah, yada, yada. Prostletyzing bastard.]

L: (12; Hermit) "Keep your distance. Speak to no one. Contemplate what you do not understand."

I: (9; Hanged Man) [PAUSE for a time, then life must go on] "Sacrifice [or surrender your mind] and all will be made clear. In order to gain, you must give: money, time, a belief [etc]"

C: (3; High Preistess) "I know all about you. Your tools, how you think, how you do things."

G: (7; Chariot) "You are my opposite; my enemy. I will conquer, and you will follow my path. I have complete faith in my cause. My path is the right path."

Comments: Chilling stuff.

1:) Not enough to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is a foreign, or foreign Muslim, terrorist.

2:) No unequivocal proof it's a homegrown Johnnie Jihad wannabe, but this is NO white supremicist, redneck, Skoal chewing gun nut.

3:) While the author hints at specialized training and a knowledge of Police tactics and procedures, it is unclear whether he is saying he's a police officer, military special ops, or a mujahadine.

4:) Beyond the Usama type prostyletizing and veiled references to 9/11/01 and Armegeddon, this is clearly an extortion note.

5:) This person hates the US government in general, and US foreign policy in particular.

8:) This person likes and has probably participated in media-popular protests, such as anti-war, anti-WTO, pro-Palestinian. MAYBE environmental.


1:) Possible Muslim American terrorist.

Source: Tarot Basics

NOTE: The INTERPRETATION of the message is in my own words, not the words of the sniper. However, I believe I cracked the code correctly, and that the GIST of the message is correct. I do have some experience at Tarot reading, though I haven't messed with it in years. Tarot, palmistry and numerology were an easy way to make pocket change when I was a stupid kid who thought she knew everything, so the above source was a big help.