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Earler stories

3/13- President Bush said that in order to get the idea that the US is so soft and weak, the 9-11 terrorists must have gotten their information about us from watching the Jerry Springer show.

On a considerably less amusing note, the INS continues to bat 1000 in the total incompetence department. Six months after Mohamed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi murdered thousands of people in the World Trade Center, the INS APPROVED their student visas. This is the most stupid thing I've read in a long time.

3/13 - Victorious, US-led coalition forces continue mop up operations in Shah-e-kot, Afghanistan.

1/08- Gee, first everything is quiet, at least here in the US. Israel, of course, is another story. Suicide bombings, shootings everyday, and now terrorists are sneaking into private homes and murdering women and children in their beds. Nice folks. Europe loves them. Europe can keep them.

In the US yesterday, we had a bomb scare at the Winter Olympic facility in Utah, when a bunch of fuses and electrical devices, which I would guess were detonators, were found in a plastic bag in a parking garage. Police declared it a hoax, but was it really? Or was it yet another of those "test runs"?

Pablo Moreira, 28, a banker from Uruguay, jumped up on a flight from Miami to Buenos Aires yesterday, and proceded to kick and punch his way through a a vent in a reinforced, United Airlines cockpit door. He managed to get part of his body, including his head, through the which time a quick thinking co-pilot proceded to bean him with the blunt part of an emergency crash axe, knocking him cold. He was restrained for the rest of the flight to Brazil, where he was arrested and treated for his injuries. He will be extradited to the US, and is currenty charged for interefering with a flight crew.

1/07- A Muslim recruiter, who also happens to be a British National says from his new base in Pakistan that he is encouraging terrorists to attack British military and government targets within Britain itself. He claims that he and his buddies are in Pakistan, organizing operations.

1/07- The captain of a Iraqui ship caught carrying a shipment of arms from Iran, sonfirms that his orders came from the PLO. Yasser's assertions of innocence are looking a little silly. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has upgraded Yasser from the status of "irrelevant" to "bitter enemy".

1/02- Israeli Foreign Minister, Shimon Perez, has called on Israel to stop tarnishing PA leader Yasser Arafat's image. LOL. I assume this must be a diplomatic move which would allow Yasser to save face. Yasser himself has done his own image tarnishing, by words, only doing token action against domestic terrorists when the International community demands it strongly enough, and allowing, if not encouraging Palestinian TV to incite hatred toward Israel.

1/02- Not all Ireland's dissident groups have decided to change their image due to the war on terrorism. Both the US and the EU have frozen the assets of Loyalist Volunteer Force, Orange Volunteers, Red Hand Defenders, and the Ulster Defence Association. A a possible fifth may be the sister organization of the UDA, the Ulster Freedom Fighters.

1/02- We've all heard about Richard Reid, the self styled "sneaker bomber". Not a lot of new info on him.

12/17- A detailed plan for a terrorist attack on London's financial district was found in Kandahar. The plan is written in English, and explains how to make a remote controlled van bomb like the bombs used in the US embassy bombings. No one knows where the owner of the book is right now.

12/13- Yet another victim of the 9-11 attack on the US. Pat Flounders, 51 year old window of WTC victim Joe Flounders, 46. Joe Flounders was an insurance broker for Euro Brokers Inc. The company's offices were on the 84th floor of tower II. I can imagine how hard it's been, and now especially with Christmas coming up. God rest that poor woman's soul.

BTW, has anybody watched that home video of bin Opium Laden bragging about his role in 9-11? Chilling. EERY. 12/13- A little over a month ago, on an Arab forum, I showed support for King Abdullah of Jordan's idea that an Arab coalition condemning terrorism was the only way to achieve peace in the Middle East, particularly the Israel/Palestinian situation.

I suggested that unless Yasser Arafat convinced the countries that sponser such groups as Hezballah and Hamas to put a leash on their violence, the peace process could not procede. I was firmly rebutted by a few Arabs, one of who's opinions I generally respect. I was accused of knowing "nothing about Arab politics", and informed that those groups had absolutely nothing to do with whether the peace process succeeded or failed. It is extremely sad that I was the one proved right.

Israel, meanwhile, has reacted by severing relations with Arafat, calling him "irrelavant".

12/7- Thousands of Christians are fleeing from "peaceful" Muslim terrorists in Indonesia. Their homes were attacked and destroyed by peaceful terrorist "freedom fighters". There are only 8 confirmed deaths, but the refugees themselves say that many people are missing. The terrorists are part of the Laskar Jihad, which is believed responsible for a three year religious conflict that has cost 9,000 lives. And here I thought that Ramadan was a time for religious tolerance. I also remember that the Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri refused to join President Bush's coalition against terrorism. Instead, she appears to have handed her country over to the terrorists. That's where appeasement gets you.

2/6- Clayton Lee Waagner, number one suspect in a rash of anthrax hoaxes at abortion clinics, prison escapee, carjacker and bank robber, has been captured.

John Ashcroft announces incentives to turn in terrorists

11/30- Ariel Sharon supports seperate Palestinian state; yet another suicide bomber celebrated his potential freedom by murdering innocent people on a bus on the Wadi Area Highway. 3 were killed, and 9 injured.

11/29- Phillipine military allowes safe passage for 250 Muslim terrorists in exchange for 110 hostages; ticked citizens lynch machete weilding terrorist.

11/19- Anthrax factory discovered in Afghanistan.

11/19- Muslim dictator wannabe Nur Misuari afraid of losing power, runs amok when the Phillipine government decides to hold elections.

11/12- Two more Sept 11 terrorist attackers are been tied in with Iraq

11/12- There have been 6 deaths

11/1- Trenton New Jersey postal worker dies of anthrax.

10/23- Two Washington DC postal workers die of anthrax.

US forces have been pounding the Taliban front lines to a pulp. The Northern Alliance has been told that ok, the way to Kabul will be cleared soon, so get ready. They are ready.

IRA to disarm.

10/17- Israeli Tourism Minister, Rehavam Ze'evi assassinated.

9/20- Vehicle of Israeli family strafed with bullets, killing a woman, wounding husband.

9/16- Taliban assassinates Ahmad Shah Masood, military leader of the Northern Alliance.

More information - know thine enemy - FACTBOX-Arab militant groups -- a deadly cocktail

9/14- Some good news. Fox News reports that both black boxes aboard the airliner that was crashed into the Pentagon have been recovered.

In Florida, five suspects of middle-eastern descent hauled in for questioning after making threats against the US.

John Ashcroft announces streamlining the Public Safety Officers' Benefits Act, which allows the families of police officers, firefighters and other emergency response personnel, killed in the line of duty, to apply to receive up to $150,000 in benefits.

10 suspects in an aborted hijacking attempt arrested in NYC.

9/12- Bin Laden is appointed the commander of Afghanistan's military.

9/10- Palestinians step up attacks in Israel.

8/29- The Israeli IDF enters Palestinian town of Beit Jala IDF plans to stay put until the Palestinians stop shooting.

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