Zees Near the Trees

By: Me

I awoke in the night,
to sound and light,
coming from my lawn.

I looked to the trees,
and saw a party of Zees,
shining brightly as the dawn.

I crept to the trees,
where partied the Zees,
shining like the dawn.
Good heavens, their ship!
And the Zees made a slip!

For as the Zees
partied in the trees,
They forgot to guard their ship!

I found the door unlocked,
and cautiously I walked
inside the ship made by Zees,
who danced beneath the trees.

Delighted was I,
when at last I did spy
what looked like the keys,
'neath seats shaped for Zees.

Without further thought
I put the key in the slot...
up and away I shot!

Would that I had stayed in bed.
Whatever got into my head?

It seems that the Zees,
who sang under the trees,
had forgotten, alas,
to fill the tank with gas!

Remember my plight!
If you awake in the night,
and look out in your lawn
to see a party of Zees,
near the trees,
shining like the dawn...

And if you should slip,
outside to their ship
and away inside it run,
make sure it has gas!
Or like me, alas,
you'll be falling into the Sun.

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Pencils, books,
clothing, shoes,
sneakers, coats,
and hats...

book bags, pens,
tablets, AHHH!
I know I'm
going bats!

my credit
cards are maxed.

When the school
year starts then
my days will
be relaxed.

Now I'm broke;
but upon
quiet calm

at least there's
the better

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Flight of Thought

By: Me

Thought takes flight,
Day or Night,
landing where
it might.

where the Dreams
basking in
the Light.

There the Thought
wants to leave,
not without
a fight.

Absorbs White
and the Bright
that the Dreams


Where the Dreams
do play
we can't wait
all day...
and tear Thought


The curtain woven 'round
of heat haze, dust,
and grilled aromas
parting to reveal
the rich sound

Of laughter and of talk,
droning ATV's,
clinking horseshoes,
and the music's
background squawk.

And then there is the taste,
of the homemade
delicacies which
we pig out on,
gaining waist.

Iced tea soda and beer,
delicious food,
and relatives,
and friends from far and near...

Great things are photographs,
in the later
seasons showing,
the camaraderie
and the laughs.


Based (loosely) on the classic tune, Happy Birthday

Hap - py Birth - day - TO - me!

Think - I'll - CUT down - A tree...

housing - AN en - dan - gered

SPEE - cieees!!!

Hee - heeHEE - hee - heee - heee!!

And - I'll - lie - real - LEEE good...

while - I'm stack - ing - THE - wood!!

The - ree - PUUB - li - cans - did - it....

now - they're - PICK - ing - on meeee!!

Then - I'll GO - take - A - bribe...

from the - me - dee - A tribe...

so I'll - STOP - wri - ting

POE - wet - treeee...

about - political - parr - teees!

They - can - sleep in - MY house!

if they're - quiet - as - A mouse!

We'll be - WWAA - RRmm - and - cozeeeee....

'Cause - I - CUUUTTT - ddoowwnnn - aaaaa....


One more time...all together now!

No, I'm not drunk. Maybe it's the coffee and cigars....

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©2000 M Houghtaling All rights reserved.Free to pass around if you like it, as long as you include my name and copyright date.